Sunday, April 15, 2012

A dear old lady that made us cry!

There are different reason why we cry. It can be tears of sorrow or tears of joy.  But this dear old lady  told us a little bit of her lifestory that was very touching. So we all shed tears of sorrow and joy!

For those who are following my blog knows that every fourteen days, we visit the elderly to share  God's words with them, sing  and bring food to them.
And from this gathering this lady told her tear shedding  story.

She told us her childhood days. That  they were not rich, but never went to bed hungry and they survived from day to day . Although they had a little farm with some chickens, sheep and cows, they didn't live in luxury. Especially during the world war too. In fact she remembered that her parents many times had problems paying the bank loan. And one night she couldn't sleep because she heard her mother and father talked about the problem. But her mother told her that she must not worry, because it will be alright. Her parents believe in God and they always pray and read the bible at home.

She remembered one time a committee set a date for a lottery so that they can collect money for a project.

 In addition there will be a get together party later. And each and everyone should bring a gift to donate to the lottery and food for the gathering.
Her mother baked bread and made cheeese to bring.

borrowed picture 

                                                     But they didn't have any gift to give.

As her mother thought about it, she found out that they have one nice red  bowl in their cabinet.
They used it once in a while when they have dessert at home. And her mother said that they can donate the bowl. Her brother did not want to and was very angry. He said that it was the only one they have. But their mother told them that they ought to give. So she took the bowl, put eggs on it and donated to the commitee.

At the gathering their mother gave them ten cents each so that they can buy lottery tickets to support the project and maybe they can win something. And on the table, there were so many things that they wish they could win. Because they  were children, they must go home earlier than the parents and didn't have the chance to know who won. The next morning, she woke up and went first to the kitchen. And guess what she saw on the table? Their own bowl with eggs. They won it back and another bowl with apples in it. Not only God gave them back their precious bowl, they also won another bowl and it  was pretty much like what they have only in another color. And her mother put her arms on her shoulder and said " God is always faithful to bless those who are willing to give. And she never forget those words.

She told us that her father had epilepsy and they grew up seeing him having severe compulsions many times, although he was taking medicines. But it did not stop her father from working so hard to support them. Everywhere he went, he take with him a pocket bible that he reads all the time. And it had given him the strength that he needed everyday. This pocket bible was so worn out that when she went to bible school, she made a skin covering for  it so that her father can preserve the holy book.

And this is the bible that her father had. For her, it was very sacred to hold  it because she knows that her father's own hands carrried this holy book. And her parents was  a living witness that those who put their trust in the Lord will never lack anything. She said that as she grows up, she experienced how God helped them in many ways. And still is now that she is old.

So each and everyone of us were teary eyed after she finished sharing her story.

But everything went well later. We served cakes, fruits  and sandwiches.

                                                        At last, smiles on their faces!

                                                      Until next time again.


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  1. So great that you all visit the elderly and share God's love with them.. The lady's story was touching ---but I'm sure all of us have 'stories' to share about the good and the bad in our lives...

    God Bless You for sharing of yourself to others.

  2. Sometimes I need to remind myself to get into perspective -- I love this story. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I sometimes tend to forget how blessed I am and thank God every time. Thanks Joy for sharing this wonderful story.

  4. Again an inspiring post! I love the message :)

  5. What a blessing to hear the stories from the past! I love when people share about times from history like how they lived during wars and great depression. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I was touched both by her inspiring story and your kindness towards other people. Keep inspiring us mommy Joy. klem

  7. How sweet. I have a similar story from my Granny and it is one I hold dear to my heart.

  8. awesome story Joy.That's nice of you to spend time with them. You make me cry as I read your post..I love you God.

  9. This was a very nice story.
    You are invited to share your true stories at "Tell me a Story," my Wife Hazel's new Blog Party:

  10. God is faithful. As He promised in 1Samuel 3:20 --- whoever who Honors me, him I will honor.

  11. Thank you for entering your precious story on "Tell Me a True Story." Please come back next week with more stories. Your photos tell a story too! Lots of smiles!

  12. Very sweet story Joy. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.

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