Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The fruits!

When I woke this morning, God gave me this words: 

First word is Joy. Well  my name is Ligaya and  in English it means  joy. God wants me to be joyful no matter what the circumstances are. Not easy most of the time when my body is in terrible pain, when my loved ones is having difficulties, when the world seems falling apart. But I just thank God for reminding me, coz no matter what,  I can put everything into His hands and be joyful under all circumstances.

I must have a bucket of patiece coz I'm an impatient woman. I don't like waiting, especially for someone who is always late. If I want to do something, I have to do it now. If someone is telling a story, I don't want to hear details. Tell me what happen and be finished with the story. For me," time is gold".
But God is saying it's one of the fruit of the Spirit. I supposed I have to let the Spirit of God work in me and gave me a bucket full of patience :)

Kindness! Well, maybe it's an easy part. I worked in an activity center for the elderly. And I loved them. So to show  kindness to them is a natural thing for me to do.
But, how about showing kindness to the people that hurt me? That I need Gods help, not only to forgive them , but show kindness to them. God is giving us the opportunity everyday to show kindness to everyone, not only to our loved ones, but also to  the unlovable. Well, that is everyday challenge. And that what makes life exciting!
LOVE! What is the definition of love? Everyone longs to be loved and to love. I believe that the greatest love that was shown was when God gave His Son Jesus Christ to die for us sinners, so that those who believe can be forgiven and be saved.
God definition of love is found in 1 Cor. 13: Love is patient and kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trust, always hopes, always persevere and it never fails.
Well, I have a long way to go to have that kind of love!

Peace! In this present world, it seems that peace is very difficult to acquire. We are surrounded by noise whereever we go. And not only noise. Problems or sickness that  make us worry. Storms in life rob us the peace we are longing for. But God said: " Do not be anxious of anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which trancends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. ( Phil.  4:6-6) There we have it! That is the secret of having peace no matter what the circumstances are.
Faithfulness! Am I faithful in everything I do? Well, I am faithful to my husband, my work, my family. But how faithful I am to God? In prayer, in trust, in good works and in faith?  I have to depend on God for help to be faithful to what He entrusted me. I'm not perfect and no one is, but Him. I can call unto Him anytime of day and He is faithful to listen. I just hope that each and everyone of us will always be faithful in listening to God. Coz His wisdom never ends :)
 Do we experience Gods goodness everyday? Sometimes people are getting blind and asking where God is in the midst of all the bad things that are happening around the world. But Gods goodness is everywhere. In nature, in people who lends us a helping  hand.  God is good  who has given us eyes to see , ears to hear, hands to touch, feet to walk, mind to think etc. God has given us each other to loved and to be loved in return. God has given us talents and capability to develop them. Gods godness is too many to count, we only have to open our eyes :)

Well, I'm a person that is always on the go, always doing something and always busy and doing multi tasking all the time. Most of the time,when I'm doing something, I'm thinking of others things to do. That result is I'm forgetting to be gentle in things I have in my hands. I remember when  I was very young, I worked as a dishwasher in a Cafeteria. The first month, I did'nt  earn anything. I broke many plates and glasses while washing them, coz I was always in a hurry. So my employer did not pay me. I found out that a dishwasher job was not for me.
Now I work with older people and  I need to be gentle with them. I supposed I'm very good at it now.

 Self-control! The cat in the picture is an example of self-control. I need that kind of self- control when our cat used our floor as her toilet.
Self control when my teen-age daughter is doing her thing and won't hear from me.
When my husband wants to listen to country music on saturday night, when all I want is a quiet evening with him.  Oh how I thank God for creating tears, then I can just cry and feel better after.

Dear God, let the fruit of the Spirit be seen in me/ us so that this world will be a better place to lived in for each and everyone of us!


PS. I am reposting this coz whan I posted this article I had only two followers. I am going to be away for some days. But maybe I can connect to the hotel internet where me and my husband is going to stay. Keep in touch bloggers friends!

Linking to: On your heart Tuesday /http://www.shandaoakleyinspires.com/


  1. thanks for reposting because I got to read it! what beautiful fruits to think about!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    enjoy your time away!

  2. Thanks for reposting it Joy.As your words makes me want to go back here and get inspired..Its good thing you post since Holy week is approaching..Enjoy your getaways with your hubby.

  3. Great post. I wasn't around the first time you posted. Have a great trip!

  4. Appreciate the re-post. Blessings to you dear Joy.

  5. You have a beautiful name! Advance Happy Easter Joy!

  6. Thanks for reposting, Lagaya... I love it... The one of those you mentioned which I do not have is PATIENCE... I am a very impatient person --and need to work on that trait!!!!

    Have a great time off... Take lots of pictures.

  7. Great post! I surely need patience too! I always want to rush through things and finish my work fast and not many people are fast workers! have a happy vacation and a blessed Easter to you! Patsy from

  8. i should go through this list too. yes, patience is something i also need a bucket of. good thing we can rely on God to give us grace. happy Easter!

  9. love the list....and I too can relate....happy Easter.


  10. Really like your blog!
    A wonderful post!

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  11. Very wise post! Everyone needs a lot of patience and to just take it slow. I too am guilty of losing patience many times and being always in a hurry... I want to accomplish a lot but in the end, ruining everything. You post is very timely for the holy week :-)

    Spanish Pinay


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.

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