Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Contaminate them!


                                               Contaminate them!

What this word really means to me? Contaminate means to make impure, according to the dictionary.  This word made me think. Do I contaminate the people around me? Am  I poisoning  their minds and leads them to do wrong? On the other hand, do I let my loved ones be contaminated, without doing anything for it? How should I hinder them to be contaminated? What shall I do so that I will not contaminate the world?

To be honest, I want to contaminate the world. Not in the negative way though. Coz this word has also another meaning. I want to contaminate people with the life-giving message of the gospel. I want to be contagious when it comes to the gospel. Because there is life in God’s word. Life that this dying world needs.

In this world that we are living in now, many people believe that a person who loves to read God’s word is a lunatic. In fact one can lose some friends by being a believer. Some don’t want to be associated with one. Family members who dare not tell that they have in the family who reads the bible everyday. It is my experience. I really feel sorry for them who does not believe that God exist. On the other way around, some feel sorry for me coz I am a believer. But, still, I choose to believe.

         The beauty of these flowers shows how magnificent God is. 

Acts 4:20 We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.

I share God’s life-giving message because I found it in God and his words. I was filthy, lost, worthless in other’s eyes, but God contaminated me with his life- giving message. Message that made me clean, whole and worthy. That is why I love God’s life changing words. Reading the book of life every day leads me to the road He wants me to explore. God’s words is like a detergent who removes one’s impurity. And who don’t want to be clean?
How about you? Are you contaminating the world with life-giving message or making them impure?
Which would you choose?

Smyth said:
Is your life a channel of blessing?
Is the love of God flowing through you?
Are you telling the lost the Savior?
Are you ready His service to do?

Father, I pray that as you had given life to me, I can also lead others to you so that they too will have life. Life with you now and forever.  I pray that I will not pollute this world, but contaminate it with life, light, happiness and love that comes from you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen



  1. Aww Mommy Joy! your positive outlook towards life is really contagious! thanks for "contaminating me" with your awesome positive energy!

    Thanks much po sa birthday card. I received it this morning ^_^

  2. Beautiful message!

  3. great thoughts to ponder as usual... the word contaminate in a different level...

    1. Thanks for reading again Senyor and giving a comment:)

  4. I've never heard of using the word, Contaminate, in the positive way… BUT--I can see how it could be used… Let's contaminate the world with the love of Christ ---and spread that love all over the world!!!!!!


  5. Yes Betsy:) let us do it:)
    Hugs from.me too:)

  6. oh my, this post is so true, and so dang relevant right now...thank you for sharing this! what an encouragement you have been to me today!
    have a wonderful day!
    short sleeved pants

  7. Thanks Morgan Nicole. I really appreciate your visit:)

  8. Wonderful post , great thought :)

  9. with your strong drive to motivate other will surely contaminate people to follow God's word. Goodluck Ma'm joy!

  10. Greetings from Wordwise Hymns. It's an interesting devotional, with an arresting use of the word "contaminate." I see what you're trying to do, but the actual definition of the word doesn't seem to fit. In any event, interesting. The blog caught my attention because of your quotation of the gospel song, "Is Your Life a Channel of Blessing?" I posted an article on the song this morning, if you'd like to take a look. God bless.


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.

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