
Monday, May 11, 2015

Unexpected things happens!

Hello everyone! Hope your day has been wonderful.
Anyway, Mother's day was celebrated by many yesterday. Although we had it already here in Norway the second Sunday of February, it was heartwarming to receive greetings from friends and loved ones around the world.

    Got these greetings from my children in the Philippines:

    Today is our day.. but before we became a mother.. u have become our mother. Thank you for all your undying love and support. Though miles keep us apart. . Our hearts won't and will never be. We love you and Happy Mother's day.
     ( From my eldest daughter)

    Happy Mother's Day Ma, we love you!
     (Message from my son and his family)

                                    From my second daughter and her family!

      Well, unexpected things happen, because yesterday, instead of having a nice time with my hubby in the morning, we ended up in the doctor's clinic because of a severe pain in my stomach since Saturday night. But, good thing was it was not serious. He gave me a strong pain reliever and advice me to see  my doctor today if I will not feel better.

      Anyway, yesterday we were invited to a confirmation of my friend's daughter Gina, the youngest in the picture so although I was not really feeling very well, we went.

      (In the picture is her sisters and her mother.)
      The girl's father passed away many years ago. What so special with Gina was that she was delivered by her father at their bathroom in New Year's day! She couldn't wait for the doctor to come so her father had no choice. But she came out just fine and now a very beautiful young lady.

The place was decorated very nicely!

The main course

The gifts that she received

And the cakes that were served! I wished I could eat more, but my stomach wouldn't let me.

Me and a friend. My hubby doesn't want to be in the limelight! It showed in the picture that I was not feeling well though:)

Group picture

The day turned out wonderfully although unexpected thing happened.
Leaving you this quote!
The wounds is the place where the Light enters you.

Have a nice week ahead friends!



  1. Your daughter and her family are all just beautiful!! And what a wonderful and beautiful celebration this was. everything looks perfect! I am so glad you were able to attend, even though you were not well. What did the doctor think it is? Please keep me updated and let me know what happens. How are you now?

  2. Thanks Ginny! The doctor couuldn't explain either because he difn't find any serious in me. Maybe stress or bacteria. I am better, but the pain comes and go. I will go to the doctor again if this continues. I managed to work today and that was good.
    Thanks for your concern:)

    1. Wala man lang labtest, CBC or urinalysis? Get well soon!

  3. Oh it's May in my home country, Malaysia too. :)
    But it's March here in the UK.

  4. So sorry you are not feeling well. You are very strong to go out and celebrate with others even though you didn't feel well. I'm sure they were happy you could make it. It was sweet for you to receive the beautiful thoughts and sentiments of your children. I'm sure they miss you very much. I will pray for your pain. It is best to persist with the doctors. Hugs. xx

  5. It's always a joy to see your photos
    You have a beautiful family

    I am on a blogging break so see you in a month
    I hope you feel better soon
    Do take good care dear Joy ..

  6. Your photos are so beautiful, Joy! I hope that you heal quickly and that there will be no more pain.

  7. Your photos are so beautiful, Joy! I hope that you heal quickly and that there will be no more pain.

  8. I hope you feel 100% very soon. Thank you for sharing those lovely pictures of your family and friends!

  9. So beautiful! What a wonderful looking family. Great smiles!

  10. I'm glad it wasn't that serious, my mother had a similar night but she ended up needed surgery. Though it wasn't that major. Had surgery for the night, came back to the house the next day, and was out of work for a few weeks.

    1. Yes, I m glad that it was not serious after all!

  11. Belated Happy Mother's Day po sa inyo Mommy Joy!
    and I'm glad na maayos-ayos na ang pakiramdam nyo. Take care always :)
    You have such a beautiful family ^_^

    1. Thanks Fiel-Kun for your heartwarming greetings and comment!

  12. Good thing you became well again , thanks God : )

  13. Thanks Edgar! Have a nice day to you!

  14. Looks like a lovely day. Hope you're feeling better now.

    1. Thanks Ladyfi. Yes, it was a lovelyd ay for everyone who attend the confirmation!

  15. All the picture you have posted tells me how happily you have celebrated the Mother's Day!

    1. Thanks Week-end wind up. It ended well, yes!

  16. I am hoping you are better now, and that your stomachache is nothing serious! Hug.

    1. Thanks McGuffy Ann! I am feeling better now. It was not serious!

  17. Hope that you're feeling better Joy. It seems that the day was a success for all. Everyone looked happy and loving. Well done.
    See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Thanks Paul! I am feeling better.
      Yes, everyone was happy in the confirmation day!


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.