
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Thought control!

    Hello every one! I wish the sun would shine all day long here, but the rain did come and spoiled my plan to plant some summer plants in front of my house.

    Anyway, I was looking forward for our dinner today, because my husband bought mussels for dinner, but it turned out that they were not fresh after all. It smelled bad when my husband opened that vacuum packed container. But he did cook it and made me tasted the result when I came home from work. But, I didn't like the taste, so we throwed the mussels.

     Good thing was that we had leftover foods again from yesterday, so we did eat good!
    Well, I know that not every one eats clams or mussels, but I was used to it because we liked it there in the Philippines where I came from. My husband loves the Philippine's cuisines, so I had no problem serving him cooked in my own way.

    Food for the soul!

    Someone had said: Do not let your thought control you, but you take control of your thoughts. 
    Whether we like it or not, we are being bombarded with things everyday that can fill our minds with thoughts that shouldn't be there. Thoughts that can make us be depressed, be afraid or fill us with undesirable lust. Thoughts that can lead us to speak wrong words and improper actions.So the best way is to do what God says in His words: " Finally, brother and sisters, whatever is true...noble...right...pure...lovely...admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things. Phil. 4:8
    -So in public, we must guard our tongue; in private, our thoughts.

    Bye for now!



  1. Your petunias are so pretty! I can't wait to see what you will be planting. I am so glad you did not eat the mussels, nothing is worth food poisoning! You cannot be too careful. Yes, the bible tells us to be IN the world, but not OF the world, for the reasons you have just said.

    1. Thanks Ginny! I did tasted the mussels, but thanks God it went well with me:)
      Thanks for being with me in my devotion!

  2. That is a very nice cuisine.

  3. it is good food!

    ( '>

    ALOHA from Honolulu,

  4. Very nice flowers and uplifting words about thoughts!
    Have a pleasant Wednesday :-)

    1. Thanks Pietro and Cynthia. Same to you!

  5. Sorry your dinner had to be thrown away...I hate things like that.
    The rain will make your soil so good for the flowers you will plant when you can. :)

    1. Yes bj, it was not nice to throw food.
      Anyway, I hope my plants will not die with too much rain!

  6. Hi Joy! My husband just loves mussels, this would have been such a disappointment for I know it must have been for you too. But it's better not to be sick!
    Just like bad food can make us feel bad, so do those comments and bad input from others that just drag us down. Ugh. I agree with you and St. Paul. Let's think about the good things in life!
    Wednesday blessings,

    1. Yes, my husband was very dissappointed, but we can just buy again another time. Hope it will be fresh that time Ceil!
      Have a blessed Wednesday to you.

  7. This post goes right along with my study in Psalms this morning and our speech. Oh, I love these practical messages so much. Sorry about your ruined dinner...


    1. Noce to hear that it connects with your devotion Saleslady371:)

  8. i do not like 'fishy' seafood either so wouldn't have liked the mussels. :)

    1. Yes, not all like the fishy taste TexWisGirl:)

  9. This looks so good! I adore mussels and clams!

    1. Yes, Lisa. only they were spoiled already:)

  10. Your petunias are gorgeous, Joy, and the food looks pretty good, too! :) Sending you a warm hug and much love, my cherished friend.

  11. Love the petunias too.
    I do not eat clams and mussels so much as I grew up far from the sea. I'm always worried about contamination too but I do enjoy now and then. Good thing you threw the mussels out. I wouldn't want you to get food poisoning like I just had recently. xx

  12. It is good you had other food and did not get sick!
    Nice thoughts, too.❤

  13. Sad ending for the mussels : )

  14. My wife likes mussels, and most any kind of food. If you want to know if a food is really bad, get her to try it. She isn't a tough critic.


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.