
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The measure of our worth!

    Hello everyone! Hope you are doing fine and enjoying your sunshine.
    Although the sun came today here in my place, it was followed by much rain. 
    Anyway, I captured some moments with the sun and here they are!

    In between rain and shine, I managed to plant some summer plants to decorate front yard. 
     Not so much, but just to show that there is someone living in this house! But it rained too much today that I think they are not doing well!
     This is our old toilet bowl that I thought we could still use as a flower pot! A girl in the neigborhood told me that it was in the wrong place:) Maybe she was right, but I find it kinda sweet!
     My plum tree started to blossom!

    Some flowers that I have in my garden and my pots!

    I bought this bicycle flower holder. I just love it and put some flowers plant on it. I put it on our veranda!
    and lastly
    Food for the soul
    The measure of our worth.
    How do we measure our worth? If we measure our worth by the standards of this world, we will never be satisfied. There will always be someone who is better, richer, prettier, wiser, more successful than we are and so on. 
    But if we measure ourselves in God's standard, it will be another story. God does not base His judgement on our looks, how much money we have or how famous we are. What is important to God is what we do with the things that He entrusted us...body, soul and spirit. God has given us different talents to be used for the benefit of each other. We are equal in His sight. So we don't have to base our worth by the world's standards. We only need God's approval and it is more than enough. Yes, we can fail many times, but He is always there to back us lend a helping hand and lead us to the right path. Let us meditate on His words daily to be used as a standard of how we should live. Remember, no one is failure who seeks to do God's will.



  1. What a gorgeous post today!!! Your first picture of the sun is stunning! I love your little wooden cart! and the bicycle. We have quite a few bathtubs and toilets around here that have been made into planters and put outside. They always make me smile.

  2. Thanks Ginny! Good to know that I am not the only one who uses toilet bowls or tub for planters:)

  3. I love the flower arrangement where it is at. I may use my toilet bowl the same way. I think it's brilliant Joy. I also love the photos of the sky after a rain. It gives a feeling of being at ease.
    Have a wonderful day my friend. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Thanks Paul. Nice to give you an idea:)
      Have a nice day to you too!

  4. How gorgeous, Joy! Today is so beautiful here in Montreal, and I took a lovely is sunny, light winds and not hot or cold, just perfect! I love this weather, with a little cooling breeze, not the high heat and humidity. :)

    1. Oh! I would love to walk with you there Linda:)

  5. Beautiful garden Joy. I always love Spring when we can plant a few flowers and see their cheery colours after a long winter :-) I like the toilet bowl just where it is and I've seen several used that way in my country.

    1. Thanks JOyful!
      Good to know that I am not the only one who uses toilet bowl for plants:)

  6. Your photos are SO beautiful! And I happen to love the toilet is very pretty, I think! I love the way you planted the flowers in the bicycle, too. The words about our worth are so edifying and needful. I think we all struggle with this, because our society is so flesh-driven and they inflict so much pressure upon us. I am so thankful that the thing that really matters is how much we are worth in God's sight. He loves us all SO much! Thank you for sharing these beautiful words that God laid upon your heart! :)

  7. Your photos are SO beautiful! And I happen to love the toilet is very pretty, I think! I love the way you planted the flowers in the bicycle, too. The words about our worth are so edifying and needful. I think we all struggle with this, because our society is so flesh-driven and they inflict so much pressure upon us. I am so thankful that the thing that really matters is how much we are worth in God's sight. He loves us all SO much! Thank you for sharing these beautiful words that God laid upon your heart! :)

    1. Thank You Cheryl for you reflection over my post. Good to hear again from you.

  8. Cute nung flowers sa toilet bowl : )

  9. You have a lovely garden full of colourful flowers.

  10. Beautiful post in both picture and word. Thank are a joy!


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.