
Saturday, May 16, 2015

On purpose!

    Food for the soul
     On purpose
    Do you sometimes get tired of life's seems to be never ending challenges? Sickness, heartaches, or maybe problems at work or your sorroundings? How about not being able to help everyone who asks for help or those who are in catastrophy zone? Not to mention loved ones who struggles with their everyday life or in pain? These things can cripple our hearts or made us depressed. But God said in Romans 8:28 All things work together for good to thos...e who are called according to His purpose. 

    So, when we are facing great trials or dissappointments, or maybe we feel that everything seem to be against us, remember that God allows things to happen in purpose. Someday we will thank God for those things that made us grow in faith to Him. Difficulties that made us closer to Him. Let our lives be a witness of God's goodness not only in good times but in the midst of troubles too. It can look like an accident in humans eyes, but it reality, it is God's work in us. His blessings in disguise. 



  1. No, I don't get tired of life's challenges, maybe I'm lucky in that way for I take each day as it comes, deal with it, get over it and move on and I don't think about yesterday, and look forward tomorrow. Everything takes care of it's self and always falls into place.

    1. That is a good attitude Whiteangel! That is a wise thinking!

    2. That is a good attitude Whiteangel! That is a wise thinking!

  2. Life is full of challenges. We learn and we grow.

  3. I'm a happy-go-lucky person & try to take things easy. When I'm really unhappy, I just take a look at the Hello Kitty stuff around me & I'll start to smile. Happy weekend, dear! xoxo

  4. People need to grow from the challenges that god gives us no matter how difficult they may be. It's tough getting up when you are down, but the Lord gives us strength.
    Have a wonderful Saturday Joy. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Yes, you are right Paul.
      Have a wonderful Saturday to you too:)

    2. Yes, you are right Paul.
      Have a wonderful Saturday to you too:)

  5. Hi Joy, have you seen the movie "God's Not Dead." I highly recommend it. There is a line or two in the movie that says "sometimes the devil allows people to live a life free of trouble because he doesn't want them turning to God" and that, "your sin is like a jail, except it's all nice & comfy and there doesn't seem to be any reason to leave" and goes on to say "the door is wide open until one day time runs out and it slams shut and it's too late." Not everyone who seems to be having a blessed life is blessed by God, it's deceiving. Life isn't always what it seems t be at first glance, there are deeper things going on subtly that only a discerning spirit can see. Didn't mean to get preachy but I thought this was interesting to share. Enjoy your day!

    1. I love what you shared Carol. I have to google the film so that I can see it. Thank you for the wisdom in your words!

    2. I love what you shared Carol. I have to google the film so that I can see it. Thank you for the wisdom in your words!

  6. Such a lovely and inspiring post, Joy, thank you so much for sharing, my dear friend. Love and hugs to you. :)

    1. Thank you and welcome Linda. Hugs from me too:)

    2. Thank you and welcome Linda. Hugs from me too:)

  7. Thank you for the sweet and encouraging reminder, Joy. Our struggles in life do help us to grow and become closer to God, if we let them.

  8. Amen, joy! Your photo is stunning! With the moon and the mountains...and is that little glimmer a pond or lake?

    1. Thanks Ginny! Yes, the moon glitters on the seawater!

  9. I love your positive way of seeing things.

    1. Thanks Nikki! It helps to see things positively!

  10. Hi Joy, Life can be frustrating at times --for so many reasons. AND--when we do try to help others in need, the need becomes so overwhelming that we don't know what to do or whether our little bit can help at all... BUT---it does and we need to remember that... Anything we do (even something small) to help someone in need is a good thing. Thanks be to God.


    1. You are right Betsy. Every thing counts in the eyes of God!


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.