
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Norway's national day!

Hello everyone! Today is the 17th of May. It is  Norwegian National Day - the second-biggest holiday in Norway after Christmas. Norwegians of all ages, from the smallest children to the oldest family members take part in the celebrations - rain or shine. 
Since I have been living in Norway for 26 years...I feel that I am already a part of their culture, which is very beautiful! So I want to dedicate this post to the Norwegians.
Anyway, it was the tradition to start the day by attending the church service..although not many do it nowadays. But I did! Anyway, it was really freezing cold outside so I decided not to see our local parade after the church.  Instead, I watched how they celebrate national day in different places in Norway and the Norwegians who lives outside Norway on tv. I captured my shots there...hope I would be forgiven.
Anyway, here is the King and Queen in Norway with the prince and his wife at the palace balcony waving to the people who passed by.

This is in Oslo. The capital city of Norway

The king and queen's palace

part of the parade

Oslo City

North of Norway (Bodø)

Gaustatoppen. Still snow there


Norwegian's children in Singapore

Norwegian girls in Moskva

Norwegian parade in Bangladesh

 Those were the pictures that I captured in our TV. It is interesting every year to see Norwegian's national day celebration.

Our dinner for today!

Homemade dessert

My mother-in-law bought this cake from the shop!

And that's end my National day celebration.

How about you? How do you celebrate National day in your country?

            Ending this post with prayer for the day!

Lord, give us the discernment about what we received into 

our minds. I pray that we will quickly identify the lies of the 

enemy about ourselves, our lives and our future. 

 Help us  to recognize when there is battle going on in our

minds to be aware of the enemy's tactics . 

May we turn to You rather than to give place to negative,

 upsetting, evil or disturbing thoughts.

In Jesus name I pray. 



  1. Over here, I'm afraid most people do not know about this day. Is everyone off from work? I would imagine so. Your pictures are so good. They look like you were right there! I think my favorite is the one from high up with all the green bushes. Your dinner and dessert are delicious looking! I do not know who Bergen is, maybe someone really popular there. a wonderful post today, and now we all know something about this and have learned!

  2. Good to know that you learn something from my post Ginny. Bergen is also a place in Norway where it rains more than other places in Norway:)
    Thanks for visiting!

  3. I enjoyed the photos, Joy. Too bad it is so cold for the parade. Your meal looks delicious, especially the cake, I recognize the Coca-Cola - it was invented right here in my state of Georgia USA!

  4. Nice to know that Coca-cola originates there in your state:)
    Yes, the cake is really good:)

  5. What an exciting celebration, and a beautiful country!

  6. Thank you, Joy, for stopping by Ocala (Florida) Photos! And I've enjoyed this post very much. I have numerous Norwegian ancestors but know little about them - somehow my Swedish ancestors hid the Norwegian ones! :) Your TV photos are excellent...I've tried that but the results have been less than satisfactory.

    1. Thanks for visiting too Fotolosopher. Good to know that you have norwegian ancestors:)

  7. Oh I went to their National Day festival in London last year.
    There's even a Norwegian church here.

  8. Thanks for the reminder about Norway Day, I was able to surprise my Norwegian friend by wishing her a good Norway Day!

  9. happy norwegian national day! in the US, it would be independence day of july 4th - parades, cook-outs, fireworks. :)

  10. Happy Norwegian National Day! Thank you for sharing with us. And what a nice, yummy dinner. The roast chicken, etc look so tasty, would love to join your!

    1. Thanks Nancy. I would love to have you here too:)

  11. Hi Joy! What a fun walk through your happy celebration! Love the photos, so colorful. Your royal family looks so joyful too.
    As TexWisGirl said, in the USA we have the 4th of July. We do a lot that you do, but fireworks are always a big part of it.

    1. Thanks Ceil! I really enjoyed the celebrstion and the food:)

  12. For me, Norway is totally a different world already- a freezing yet peaceful and quiet place in Europe. :) Glad that you enjoyed your day. :)

  13. Bom dia, excelente fotorreportagem da festa do feriado, as foto são belas.

  14. Oh my, what a fun post! Altho I had been flying for about 7 yrs as a Cabin Crew, I've yet to visit Norway. The only thing I know is the famous Norwegian Salmon. Hahaha!

    1. This is a beautiful country Shirley. You should try to visit the country one time:)

  15. Congratulations Joy. Canada's celebration in on July 1st. I have a Canadian flag flown out on that day. I'm a proud Canadian as every person does in your own country I believe. Have a wonderful day. See ya. Joy.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Thanks Paul. Your country ia very beautiful. You have all reasons to be proud of it:)

  16. Hi! Very impressive post. I knew many things about Norway from your post. I only know the names of Ibsen,Grieg and Munch. Thanks for sharing.

  17. I love your ending prayer. Thanks.

  18. Ours is called Independence Day on the fourth of july. Most people bbq and shoot/watch fireworks

    1. that is a more bigger celebration Adam:)

  19. Happy day to you and yours! Hug.

  20. we celebrate Norway's national day looking at your pictures... nice pictures and remembering Ate Lida..

  21. Wala kayo picture na nagparade?

  22. Happy National Day to you Ms. Joy , it is your second home indeed . Sarap siguro mag vacation jan : )


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.