
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Being lost!

Hello everyone! 
It is almost a week now since  I posted the sceneries on top of the mountain where me and my husband hiked.

Anyway, this is the continuation of our hike. We have to come down again from the mountain, isn't it? 

This was my last picture from the top. My shadow!

But, it didn't occurred to us that we were not going to find the same track that we used to trekk to the mountain top. But we really did get lost and it was a terrible feeling when we didn't even had signal on our phone, no compass and no matches in our backpacks.

We walked and walked which we believed was the way  down from the mountain top, but it was not. My husband then climbed to the highest point nearby to see if he could find a sign of where we were. Then he saw a cottage nearby and he said that we could go in that direction. But when we reached that cottage, it turned out that it was an only an old shed that was already falling apart. Then my husband told me that we just go the direction of the sea, which he saw when he climbed at the highest point where we were, because our starting point was near the sea. 
Then I prayed to God to show us the way. After half an hour, walking in the forest and marsh, we saw a path that seems to be used and that gave us a hope to find the main road. It was not the same path that we used to trekk to the mountain, but we know that it can lead us to the road later, so we just followed the path.

Then I saw this mushroom along the path and because I felt safe already, I took my camera and snap a shot.

After a while we saw this shed, rested, ate bread and drink coffee. Leftovers from our packed lunch.

It was beautiful around us

Sun shone and clouds reflected on the water

Afterwards, we continued walking and the path got better and better

A nice wood bench to sit along the way

As I look back, I could see the mountain where we came from. Circa 300 meter above sea level. 

Guess how happy I was when I saw the sea in front of us

But, it was not here we parked our car. But my husband knows already where we were. We just needed to walk more for ca. 2 kilometers to our car.

Although we were already so exhausted, we found the strength to move forward. We would be home soon anyway!

Nice weather to walk along the road

The scenery was fantastic too

Good to have my camera to capture the moments

The troll showed us the way

Then at last, we reached home and I made chicken soup for us. Well, there is a saying: "There is no place like home."

A mountain hike that could be done in three hours, but we used two hours more to find the right way.

Ending this post with a prayer
    Lord, I want You to break me and make me what You want to be. I want to be a person that walks before You with a broken spirit and a contrite heart. May You give me the grace and strength to receive Your discipline and help me make changes You want to make. Amen


  1. So, so beautiful, Joy! Spectacular views.

    1. Thanks Linda. I enjoyed the moment too!

  2. Thank God you were able to get home. What a Mother's Day gift but thank goodness you were with your husband. Have a great Mother's Day dinner. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  3. It must be fun going on a hike with your very special someone :)

    Happy Mother's Day Mommy Joy! :)

    1. It was fun after all Zaizai and thanks!

  4. It was quite the day! It ended on a happy note and now you have beautiful scenery to look at in photos. xx

    1. Yes, it was an extra ordinary day and nice photos as well!

  5. Hi Joy! That first photo looks like there's a smile in snow on your shadow!
    What a situation! I'm so glad that you found your way back, but it was quite a trip, wasn't it? You got to see some lovely things that you wouldn't have it you took the same way back, so that was a good thing. But oh my, how tired you must have been!!

    You deserved a good dinner :)

    1. Yes, Ceil, we could never know what we captures every time.I didn't notice that smile before you told me:)
      Yes, there were lots to be thankful though like the beautiful sceneries and God's help.
      Bless you dear!

  6. Oh, glad it all ended well.
    Hope today has been great for you.

    1. Yes, I was glad that we made it too. All is well now! Thanks bj!

  7. God always comes through. Love this story & your wonderful photos!

    1. Yes, God is surely a help in times of needs.

  8. Glad you eventually found your way back to the car. It is SCARY when one is lost when there's nobody else around and no cellphone service... Glad you prayed and found calm that way, knowing that God would help you get down that mountain... AND--you made it!!!! Gorgeous photos though ---so you did have a wonderful hike.


    1. Yes, Betsy and sometimes it is like life...we get lost but God shows alwasy a way when we call upon Him!

  9. I would be afraid too, good thing you have company Mommy Joy, or it would have been more scary. It helps that the view is beautiful I think and I'm glad you made it home.

    1. Yes, Marjorie. Good to have my hubby to be with!

  10. Happy Mothers Day Ms. Joy ... God bless you and your family always : )

  11. Being lost is one of the worst feelings ever. I usually don't drive outside my city without a GPS.

    1. It was not a good feeling Adam. Yes, it is good to know the dorection alwasy especially in unknown places!

  12. What a wonderful day it was for both of you , I enjoyed reading your post with such stunning pictures :)

    1. Thanks Aunt Mary! It ended well although we got lost:)

  13. Thank God He led you and husband back safely from the mountain hike. You are right, there is no place like home. It is always Home, Sweet Home.

    1. I was so thankful too Nancy! Yes, there is no place like home!

  14. Thank you for your beautiful posts! Hug!

  15. I've to admit the scenery is beautiful, Joy! Love the post! xoxo

  16. Joy, those pictures from your trip are beautiful. I know it must have been really scary being lost on the mountain and I'm so glad you both found your way back to the path. I love the prayer you shared, too... :)


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.