
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Angels in disguise!

Do you believe in angels? Angels who God sends to be able to assist you in your battles in life? I do!
I had witnessed that God really uses people ( angels in disguise) when I really needed a helping hand, an inspiration or when I am alone.
Last night, it give me the inspiration to make this angel.
So to all the angels that God are sending in my life. This is for you all!

Some days ago, I made this crocheted doll for my sister's grandchild. I am going to give this doll to her when I visit them in the Philippines in March. I call this doll " Yangyang" The name my sister calls her granddaughter:)

Lastly, I am leaving you this thought that came ito my mind yesterday when I needed it.
    SMILE! People can dissappoint you, but keep smiling because there is still someone who appreciate you and gives you the reason to SMILE!


  1. so fine they are then you're good.
    Good Saturday to you.

  2. I love the dolls you created. Reminds me that one of my children had a treaured crocheted doll

  3. i saw of of thing in your instagram acct. they are so cute.

  4. Hi Joy,
    What a nice post, I love your angel dolls, they look so sweet, I'm sure your sister's granddaughter is going to love it too. By the way, I do believe in angles too.
    Have a wonderful Sunday
    God bless you always

  5. Så stilig!
    Og han sende englar..

    Flott februar til deg :-)

  6. Angels do exists. They are our guardian in our daily undertakings.

  7. You are awesome Joy. You make such lovely handcraft dolls. Give me one too :)
    I liked your last lines about keep smiling...

    Thanks for sharing

  8. Your dolls are beautiful, Joy.
    I do believe in angels ..


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.