
Monday, February 2, 2015

Embraced by God!

    Dear God, thank You so much that You know every movement I take. 
    Thank You that You don't demand perfect skills or flawless character for those who want to follow You. 
    You don't expect immovable, unwavering faith. 
    You don't even require unshakeable courage. 
    We only need to take one step at a time ...holding Your hands

    You comprehend my thoughts. 
    You light a lamp before me. 
    You guide my footsteps and lead the way. 
    Thank You for Your word that is healing for my body, soul and spirit. 
    To be cared for of Your loving and strong Hands. 
    Who comfort and strengten me. 
    Thank You Jesus for making me perfect in God's eyes. 
    For letting me see Your goodness everyday.


1 comment:

Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.