
Friday, January 30, 2015

Not giving up?

    Linking with Spiritual Sundays

    Do you have the feelings sometimes that no matter what you do or say, it seems no one care or recognize your effort and you cannot even get support from the people you thought should be supporting you? I do...and God reminded me that it is not the recognition or support from other people that is important. As long as He recognize and appreciate what I am doing for His is all I need. Even if no one reads my blogpost when I share God's inpiring words..God did. Even though no one read and hit like when I share prayers in Facebook....God do so and read and like what I am doing.

    Good to be reminded that God is into a person who wants to be an example of what can happen when He gets hold on human life, who aches to to see others bought to deeper knowledge of God and His word and who don't buy the lies of the world.

    My prayer

    Dear God, I pray that You won't let me give up although it seems that no one cares ...To be loyal in everything I do in your name. To be humble and let You be lifted up in my life. I pray that whatever I do, it will be worthy of respect so that I won't bring disgrace Your name. Be always friendly although someone do wants to harm me. Able to help or inspire. Let me manage well what You entrusted me and let the truth always comes from my mouth. I pray in Jesus name.


  1. Joy, I sure do get those feelings from time to time and I appreciate your heartfelt post. God is always there for us, there is never a busy signal, He always has the time and the love and I am indeed grateful for all He has done, and continues to do for me. God bless you, dear friend.

    1. Thanks Linda! God is really a good listener and we can rely on Him!

  2. Hi Joy! I definitely feel like I am in the 'not giving up' mode. I called the doc's office to address some pain issues, and they didn't call back. I tried again today, and was told "Oh yeah, I meant to call you yesterday." Um...thanks.
    Sometimes I do feel like I'm all alone out here, but you are so right in your prayer and theme today. I am not alone. Jesus cares and heals and takes care of me. I shouldn't depend on busy office people (although it's okay to keep calling!), but instead rely on him.
    Thank you for your post, I needed it today,
    Happy weekend!

    1. Yes, Ceil...we need patience from God in our everyday life especially when the world is freaking us out:)

  3. I do get the feeling sometime , being unappreciated .... but each time I just dwell on Gods caring and loving me : )

    1. The best thing to do Edgar. To rely on God!

    2. I know what you mean... but perhaps other people often think we don't care either. I have lots of friends...and never get around all of them. There is a verse in the Bible that says, "don't left your left hand know what your right hand does." I feel we are not to add up what we do, but rather always be ready to give out Gods love. As time goes by I have had many people recount to me something I once did, many times I can't even remember it.. Again Jesus said, "whoever does these things in my name, does them for me.."

  4. You are right Chyrstal Mary. Our focus should be on other people that is why we should share God's love and to them in words and deeds. There are also people of people that thank me for inspiring them with what I do and say. To God be the glory:)

  5. You are right Chyrstal Mary. Our focus should be on other people that is why we should share God's love and to them in words and deeds. There are also people of people that thank me for inspiring them with what I do and say. To God be the glory:)


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