
Monday, June 1, 2015

Soar up on high!

How do you like to soar up on high?
To see down below in God's perspective?
To dance among the clouds and bath in sunrays of the sun?
To feel the gushing breeze of the wind?
We all want to be free..
free as the birds in the air,
but there are many things that can hold us in bondage.
Like sin for example!
Maybe we are trapped in sin,
but we cannot let the bondage of sin entrapped us forever?  
The cage door is open and Jesus awaits on the other side.
We are never meant to be imprisoned.
 God provided a way for us to be free.
We are made to soar...soar above the enemy...
above all free like the birds and enjoy the horizon.
Father, I pray for everyone that still in the cage of sin
 to grab your hands and be set free.
Your grace is more than enough for everyone.
I thank You for the new life that You give to everyone.
 For providing a way so that we can be connected to you.
For You are the source of life, light and wisdom.
With You, we can bring life to everything we put our hands into,
 light all the dark places in our lives
and use the wisdom that You provide to succeed in life.
 I pray in Jesus name. Amen
Sharing some pictures from my last hike to find the angel on top of a mountain!
Come join with me!
This is the path and let us see what we can find along the trail!

Up above. Blue sky!

Mountains to climb! We are not going there this time.

Wrong place?

Time to take some coffe and rest?
  Another boat?

Bench to sit!

Mushroom....not to be eaten

Now we are going to climb 400 meter to find the angel.

 Nice view, isn't it?
 We are now going to write our names here!

More views!

Yes, here is the angel!

 Me and the angel!

Thank you for going with me:)
Until next time...we are just halfway through!

Happy summer!



  1. The nature you show us is so beautiful. I wonder if I will try to find relief in the nature, seeing the photos. But I have not much energy to climb. Medicines forced upon me make me very weak.

    Praised be The Lord Jesus for all His work! There is no other, there is nothing else, to get life by.

    I wish you a splendid week! :-)

  2. Thank you again for sharing your gift of photography with everyone! May God bless you!

  3. Very beautiful post Joy, as always.

  4. I love your post and all your photos today. I especially like the first photo as it looks like the sky is coming to meet me :-)

  5. I wanna soar up high like an eagle ... pleasantly you have met the angel : )

  6. Oh Joy, I would love to soar like an eagle and behold all that God has made! Brings Isaiah 40:31 to mind. Your pictures were lovely, I felt like I was walking with you!

  7. Lovely shots of the scenery and angel!

  8. I love your journey to the stone angel! Thanks for sharing the beauty of Gods world.

  9. Lovely views. Even though it's summer or near enough up your way it looks cold to me...I must look the temperature up and compare to our winter temperature.

  10. So many beautiful photographs - the angel was worth the effort!

  11. I must say your style is very impressive! You have a fantastic blog and all the pictures are wonderful! Loved everything!

    Would you like to follow each other via gfc, bloglovin, instagram, twitter, facebook and g+? Do visit my blog and let me know where you follow and I will follow back right away!! :)

    Keep in touch

  12. Hi Joy, such beautiful words. And great pics. Yes, God's grace is more than sufficient for everyone.
    God bless

  13. Joy such beautiful words and lovely pictures to match... I agree that sin holds us in bondage but becoming free is easier than we believe... we need to trust our Heavenly Father ♡ xox

  14. Great post! Just love this nature post!

  15. Panay walk and hike mo ngayon.


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.