
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

It is your choice!

Hello everyone! Here in Norway, we should be enjoying summer season now, but can you believe that in some places here, it is still snowing heavily?
Anyway, sun shone this morning and I chose to enjoy some moments with the sun by taking some of the elderly out for a walk.
Then the rain comes and still raining until now. Anyway, I won't let the weather decide whether I will be happy or not. I choose to be thankful no matter what.
In life, we have given many choices. God has also given us the opportunity to choose.
Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. Joshua 24:15

-Choose between God and evil, whom we will serve and it means today....says the Word.

*Salvation is available
For everyone to choose;

But if we do not take it now,

That choice we just might lose. -Sper

- Now is the time to choose the Lord- later may never come.

I pray Oh God that we who believes gather together and pray
 to defeat the stronghold of the enemy in this world.
To choose the life that You had given and stand on our
I pray that we do the task that each of us is given with a
grateful heart..
Go against the flow when it is needed.
 To choose the path to life,
 to show kindness to everyone,
 and to seek the truth.
 Give us the wisdom to choose what is right.
 Thank You that You fight with us.
 You delivers us and lead us to victory.
 Let us serve You with faithfulness.
 Do not let us be tempted to go other way,
 but let us enjoy the path
 that You provided for each one of us.
For there can we find life
that is worth living and dying for.
I pray in Jesus name.
And now, we are going to continue our walk from yesterday!
Hope you join me again this time.
This way

The snail is out for a walk too!
Flowers along the trail



 A carriage?

Melkeveien ( Milkyway)

This place is called  Vallersund gård.
(From their website)
Vallersund Farm is a small Camphill village located on the coast of Trøndelag. It is a village out of the ordinary that offers care to people with special needs .
The ‘Fram-school’ is also located here, which is an educational service for young adults with learning disabilities.
We have organic farming and gardening, sheltered workshops and teaching.
The intentional community of Vallersund is also an Eco-village with an interest in alternative energy. Wee have a large a windmill that covers our energy needs. A heat pump extracts energy from the sea which heats our houses. A biological purifying plant treats the waste-water before it is returned to the sea.
Vallersund gård was once a bustling trading post that today is part of the national protection-plan for old buildings.

We are going to cross this bridge
Bye for now...
Hope you come along next time too. We are going to find out what is on the other side.
See you in my next post?


  1. I am not surprised about the snow, we have had a fair bit in the higher ground, here in Scotland. Norway is lovely - enjoy your visit!

  2. Lovely snapshots, beautiful views...and lovely prayer - give thanks always, appreciate every little Blessing that comes our way.

  3. Great post Joy. You know, we are having similar weather here in Norway, Maine, USA. It was about 92 degrees last Saturday which was an abberation, and then it dropped to 40ish and has been that way for 3 days with rain. They did have some snow in the mountains nearby. It sure makes things interesting............doesn't it.

  4. Thank you for the beautiful photographs! Here in Texas we have been having heavy rains this spring (causing major flooding in some places), but now it seems to be over.

    May God continue to bless the works of your hands!

  5. The flowers are so pretty, Joy! Thanks for sharing shots of the other side of the world with us :D

  6. Dear Joy, you have inspired me to take a nice long walk in nature tomorrow. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos. :)

  7. Lovely tulip. Hope the weather warms up for you in Norway...nice to see the sun. Lovely country photos.

  8. The place is so beautiful. I really want to go to Norway. I want to experience the midnight sun.

  9. The Camphill village is very interesting. A trip to Norway should be on my list as I love the colours of its nature.

  10. What a lovely day!

  11. Lovely sharing and beautiful photos of God's creation. So beautiful!

  12. Boa tarde, ter o privilegio de passear por zonas naturais onde a linda natureza prevalece, a partilha é perfeita.

  13. Hi Joy! I think you live in one of the most beautiful places on earth. The sky! And the color of the water, and even the buildings are so striking. I can see why you like to go on walks. Thank you for bringing your camera and showing us gorgeous Norway! I hope the snow stops soon, time for better weather don't you think?

    Such a lovely prayer too. I hope I can walk against the current when I need to!

  14. What a beautiful place! Thank you for sharing such beautiful things here.

  15. Thank you Joy, for this biblical and nice words. Me too, no... I won't let the weather decide whether I will be happy or not. So I was smiling while I was looking for your beautiful flowers and nature.

  16. Such heart warming words, and beautiful photos. Many thanks for that!

  17. A perfect place for Walk and to stay close to nature.

  18. A perfect place for Walk and to stay close to nature.

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Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.