
Saturday, April 18, 2015

The great storm called death!


        It was really difficult to write this post because I couldn't keep my tears from falling, but yesterday, my beautiful sister Lida who once was full of life and laughter was cremated . She was diagnosed with cancer a week after this picture was taken two years ago. Little did we know that she is going to leave us so soon.
         It was really hard to say goodbye to you my sister Lida. You were still so young and there were a lot more of things to explore and to do. We still want you here and our heart aches, but I am sure you have it better now in heaven . You do the exploring there before us. We really love you and gonna miss you very much. See you in heaven one day.


    We did talk a lot about death and what would happen after her death when she was alive although it hurts so much, but we had no choice. The good thing was that  she was a woman of faith and although she was very ill, she had done a lot of good things for the family. And she looked forward being with the Father where there will be no more pain and suffering.
    I will surely not forget your smile and your heavenly voice my dear sister.

     One of her last words in our chat room in FB was: "If you don't see me here tomorrow sisters, it means that I am already in heaven, but we can continue speaking to each other there one day." That I look forward too!

    Ending this post with the words from God this morning.
    The great storm called"death".
    Although we don't feel well talking about it or think of what lies ahead for will come sooner or later. The good thing is that Jesus has already traveled safely through the storm of death and has provided a way for us to do the same. Yes, we all go through this physical death one day, but if we put our lives to Jesus, we will see Him at the ressurection day. 
    Prayer: Thank You Jesus for You lowered yourself and tasted death for everyone so we can be lifted up to where You are. Thank You for sharing our humanity and being one with us. By dying for us, You broke the power of him who holds the power of death. So now we don't need to fear the storm of death. Thank You for conquering temptations and with you, we can also do the same. Amen


  1. Nakapagpaalam pa pala sayo. RIP auntie.

  2. Hugs Mamijoy. It hurts to know that the people we love have left us. But it is also comforting to know that they are with the Lord where there's no more pain and suffering.

    God bless you Mamijoy! Be strong in the Lord :)

  3. Sending my condolences and prayers. All will be well in the house of the Lord.

  4. Saddened by this blog news really : ( A heartfelt condolence to you and your sisters family .

  5. This is so touching... Condolence to you and your family...

    God is taking care of your sister well... I pray peace for your family and may your sister's love forever be in your hearts...

    Big hug!

    1. Thank you so much Traveliztera. God bless your heart!

  6. Dear Joy,

    My heart goes out to you! It is always so difficult to lose a loved one. I will be praying for you and your family. Sending you many hugs and much love during this difficult time, and always.

    1. Thank you so much Linda and I really need a hug. It warms my heart!

  7. Hi Sweet Lady, I am crying with you --because of your pain. Even thought Lida is much better off with God in heaven (and it OUT of PAIN), I can only imagine how much you miss her. I hope you got to visit her on your latest trip home...

    Cancer is all around us. I had lunch yesterday with a good friend (in her 50's) who lost her husband to cancer one month ago... Life for her has been turned upside down... BUT--like you, she has a strong faith in God, and she knows that she will be fine...

    God Bless You.

    1. Thanks Betsy. It was really a big loss for all of us and we really going to miss her so much!

  8. Condolence Ate Joy, to the rest of the family and to her friends. For sure, she had a good life. She had you as a sister.

    1. thank you so much Lilli. Your comment meant a lot to me.

  9. That is an extremely sad news, I am so sorry my dear friend ,I can feel your pain.
    May her soul rest in peace .

    1. Yes, Aunt Mary. So sad, but I trust God that she is in good hands now.

  10. Dear Joy
    I am so very sorry for the loss of your sister , I know how much you must miss her.
    I hold you in my heart at this time of sadness.
    May the memory of your sister always be a blessing!
    She was very beautiful and that is a lovely photo of the two of you together ..

    Sending hugs

    1. Thanks Marge. I will surely cherish her memories.

  11. OH, I am so VERY sorry! Lida was so young and beautiful! I always wanted a sister, but never had one. So I cannot imagine what a sorrowful time you are going through now. Cancer has taken so many of my friends, and my mother. I pray that God will give you His perfect peace. And know that your sister is walking on streets of gold now.

    1. Thank you Ginny for your concern. Yes, she is walking on streets of gold right now:)

  12. So sad, you have a painful time now Joy.
    Hugs from me.

  13. Joy, I am so sorry for your loss. I know you find comfort in God's strong arms.
    Peace to you and all who loved Lida. Hug.

    1. Thank you so much McGuffy Ann for ypur concern and the hug.

  14. I am so sorry to read this, Joy. May the Lord comfort you and thanks so much for sharing. I've been following you and your sister's story and been praying.

    1. Thank God for He comforts His children in times like this. Hug from me Saleslady371

  15. I am beyond words. This is the one thing that I'm really not good at... talking to a bereaved one. I'm so sorry for your lost Joy.

    1. Thank you for the visit and concern Balut.
      Have a bless day to you.

  16. Mi djupaste kondulanse!
    Eg mista svigermor i går.


  17. I'm so sorry for your lost, Joy! I'm sure she's in a better place. I've lost my father-in-law to cancer too, & my bro-in-law has been diagnosed with staged 4 cancer too. It's such a dreadful disease :<

    1. Yes, it is a dreasful deasease that taking many lives at a very youbg age. Hope your brother-in- law be cured Shirley

  18. My condolences to you Joy. I lost my mother in November, 2013 and the pain that I have is still there now. I know that her & my father are both there with the Lord as well as your sister who has a special place next to God. Rest and spend some time thinking about all the great times that you had with your sister. Peace to you my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Thanks Paul. That is what I am doing now. Remembering the good days and be happy for her that is in heaven. But surely I miss her much!

  19. I'm so sorry for your loss Joy... any loss is great but a sister is someone who shares our innermost thoughts and is there for us whenever we need a loving word or support.... Diane

  20. So sorry po to hear what happened to your sister Lida, Mommy Joy *hugs*
    She is now in the loving arms of our God almighty. Free from all physical and emotional pain.

  21. I like that happy picture of your sister, she looks so carefree. You are brave to be able to write this post. C.S. Lewis wrote "Christians never say goodbye, we say see you next time." How good your sister knew this and you will have a happy reunion one day.


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.