
Friday, April 17, 2015

Pippi Longstockings

Hello everyone! How are you doing? 
Hope you are in perfect shape and having a peaceful and joyful life.
But no matter what, I wish you a nice weekend!

Well, what have I been doing lately?

Lots of things as usual. 

One of them is my knitting project. Pippi Longstocking. I started to knit her body last February, but I didn't manage to finish her before I went to my homecountry. But now at last she is almost finished.

This was how she looked life at first.

But I was not satisfied with her lips, so I changed to this. But still, I was not satisfied. But I will let her look like that for this weekend.

What do you think?

Ending this post with pictures I took outside nursing homes today. I envy the birds because they have their partners, while I have to wait for my husband to come home from onbord the ship for two weeks more.

Yes, it is spring here now! Beautiful lillies!

Anyway, how's your week?


  1. Your Pippi longstockings doll looks amazing and I really love the colors you used. The lilies are really beautiful, too. I've enjoyed my week so far and now I'm looking forward to the weekend... :)

  2. I like both smiles of Pippi :).

    Glad to hear you're back. It must have been nice to visit home for a while. Any polvoron or pastillas? Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Kayni!
      No, I didn't but any polvoron and pastillas:)
      I prefer clothes to buy in the Philippines:)

  3. Thanks for stopping by Ocala (Florida) Photos, Joy. Much appreciated. My mother used to knit something similar to your Pippingstock. And I think she did monkeys, too. Or maybe it was just that she used to call me a monkey! :)

    1. Thanks for visiting too Fotolospher.
      You made me smile:)

  4. Så søt! Pippi er tøff ho :-)

    Litt masse på programmet, men bør vel ikkje klage..

    God helg!

  5. Hi Joy
    Thanks for the visit and kind words ... I am sorry my posts are not updating in your feeds.
    I thought maybe you just had lost interest in my poetry ... and that does happen with some of my blogger friends and I understand ...

    It's nice to be here again ...
    I really like your work on Pippi Longstockings and the flower photos and bird photo are lovely

  6. Beautiful job Joy. My mother who past away last year, knitted a coat for me for the winter time and I wore it until I was to big to wear it. Have a beautiful evening Joy. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. Beautiful photos, Joy, and I love what you have done on Pippi Longstockings! :)

  8. Dear Joy
    I came by again to let you know I added a "follow by email link" to my blog.
    Thank you for the comment and kind words ...

    Have a great weekend
    I can imagine you are so looking forward to your husband's return home.

  9. Pippi is cute and I do like the first smile. I had a week of traveling and now it is time to clean the house. Since I was out for a week, I was surprised to see the garden as intact. Nature knows how to water them but there aren't as many flowers yet. God bless!

  10. Pippi looks nicer with her new smiley lips :) Mabilis na lang ang 2 weeks Ms Joy, sandali na lang babalik na si hubby :)

  11. Ang cute ni Pippi, Mommy Joy :)

    Happy Springtime po sa inyo jan!


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.