
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Bonding with family!

Hello everyone! 
Hope you are all doing fine. Here in Norway, the temperature is becoming warmer and the grass greener everyday. Flowers begins to bloom and that makes the days more colorful.

My heart rejoices too because my husband came home yesterday from onbord the ship. We had just been together for just one day in three months, so his homecoming was very much appreciated.
Anyway, it is really good to bond with family. If you had read my last post, you know that my younger sister had just gone to be with the Lord. Well, after  the day of my younger sister's funeral, we decided to get together at my older sister's house.
The weather was just fine that day.

The kids wanted to see the chickens that my older sister and her husband have. They have  a little poultry house for some chickens.

It was very fun to watch them!

Anyway, my older sister prepared much food for us.

 According to google translate, these are crayfish. It was caught from the sea nearby and was very good.

with potato salad

potato chips, vegetable salad, grilled corn, chicken and sausages

In the picture is the eldest daughter of my deceased sister, her husband and their youngest son.

Another niece and my youngest daughter

 Oldest grandson of my deceased sister.

After dinner , the younger ones played yahtzee.

At the end we just have to freeze the moment that we were together, but the kids wouldnt' sit properly.

They just wanted to play

We had a good laugh with it!

 Beautiful sunset at the end!

Leaving you words to ponder and a prayer!

Do you need comfort today?

 Are you weighed down with the cares of this life- lonely, 

discouraged, and dispondent? 


 When we have nothing left but God, we find that God is 


Even though trouble arise, great leaders fall, precious loved

 ones die, and all human helps and comfort fail,

God is not dead. 

He is always with us.

* Our loving God is always near,

Forever by our side:

He'll bring us comfort in our fear

And peace that will abide.- Sper

# Daily bread


Thank You Oh God that with You in us, we can fight with 

courage all the days of our lives. 

You promise to be with us who believes.

You said that You will never leave us or forsake us. 

With You in our lives, we can be courageous.

 Help us then Lord to carefully obey You and stay focus to 


 Let Your words be our guide.

 Meditating on it day and night and follow Your leading. 

Thank You that You prospers us as we obey.

 We don't need anymore to be afraid or discouraged, 

for You are with us wherever we go. Amen



  1. nice to see you all together... one day ate my and me will drop by... lol... :)

  2. I could have had the chance to see you should Gace' scholarship grant would have been in Oslo. Unfortunately, it's in Australia. sayang!

  3. What a wonderful beautiful family and the food, wow. I'm hungry right now. My wife & I enjoy playing
    yahtzee. I hope that you are doing well my friend. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Thanks Paul. I think Yahtzee is for all ages.
      Thanks for the concern. Yes, With God's help I am ok:) Hope you too:)

  4. Your prayer is so glorious! May I copy it to say on our church prayer line? I would give your name. Your sister really made a feast! I think this is really needed after a family death. Bonding with family makes us all stronger. The flowers are beautiful! What is the blue one on the bottom right? Aren't chickens funny? Your sunset is gorgeous!! the end of a wonderful day.

    1. Thank you Ginny. I am glad you like my prayer and want to share it.
      Tte blue flower is a kind if tulips.
      Have a nice day!

  5. Hello Joy, I'm so sorry to hear your sister passed away. I send my prayers and hugs.

    I haven't been blog hopping much due to school finals. Truly, God is enough. I've been feeling stressed and down and sometimes I have a hard time just giving everything to God.

    You have a beautiful family.

    1. Thanks Ksyni fro dropping by and your concern.
      I pray tha the good Lord be with you in every area of your life!

  6. hello joy. thank you for stopping by today and leaving a comment.

    i am sorry for the loss of your sister. i know how difficult that can be. i am glad you have time with family, though, and your husband's return, too. enjoy your springtime!

    1. Thanks for dropping by too Texwishgirl and for your concern. God bless your heart!

  7. Where's Cecile? Natawa ko sa picture ng anak ni Lyndsey, may ganyan din si Ethan nung ganyan age. hehehe

  8. Umuwi na si Cecilie eh. need to go back to her daughter!

  9. Great captured moments to treasure now and later. Thank you for the kind words in my blog as it warms the heart and for this prayer.

  10. So glad your husband got to be home, hope his stay is a long one. That must be very hard having him gone so much. Norway must be a beautiful place.

    1. Me too Betty. Yes, Norway is a beautiful place:)

  11. Nice post! Enjoy that family time...and that husband!

  12. Lovely shots of flowers, family and sky!

  13. I was happy to read how your husband returned at this time so you won't be alone. It is always so reassuring to have our loved ones close by. It is also wonderful that you have other loved ones near by and so great of your sister to prepare such a lovely table and time for all of you to spend time together. Hugs. xx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. The spring flowers are so colourful.
    It's almost summer here though, I guess. ;)

    1. Not so much summer here yet londoncalling!

  15. Joy, I have just enough time to visit before I head to the airport for Disneyland ...
    I know how happy you must be t have your husband home, I remember the days when my husband was in the military and had temporary duty and gone for months , how I would miss him.

    Thanks for sharing all the beautiful photos have a beautiful family ..

    See you soon ..
    Bless you ..

  16. Happy Springtime Mommy Joy ^_^
    You have such a beautiful family!

  17. beautiful Joy...beautiful photos, beautiful family, and you, beautiful spirit. Loved scrolling through this post. it felt warm, homey and a place of peace and joy.

  18. So sorry to hear of your sister's passing. I'm glad you got to spend time with family to remember her though. You've taken some beautiful pictures above! Keep focused on His beauty!


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.