
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A memorable goodbye!

Hello everyone. I had been absent for a while in blogworld because of my younger sister's burial.

She was cremated. It was her wish and here is the urn with her ashes.

It was a hard blow for everyone of us, but we had to say goodbye.

Her two younger daughters last picture with her.

My youngest daughter with me!

A cousin and another sister of mine

It was hard for her love to say goodbye too. Lighting a candle for her.

My sister's daughters while they tell their memories with their mother. Made us all cry!

The priest made the ceremony beautiful

Goodbye my beautiful sister. You are now singing with the angels in heaven.

Tried to smile in the midst of pain

 The memorial

My sister's love recalled his nice memories with her.

A couple sang some songs which they sung together with my sister while she was alive. Really touched our hearts!

Although it was a very painful event, but still it was a nice way to say goodbye to our dear sister.

It will take sometime for us to accept that she is already gone, but it is good to know that we are going to meet her again in day!

Ending this post with words to ponder and a prayer

Bear one another's burden!

Who would want to carry another's burden when we already 

have our buckets full?

 I for instance feels that I don't have more strength left to do


But God reminds me that yes, I can bear other's burdens 

but just that I could bring those burdens to Him in prayer.

 He is the one who provides for the answer. 

What a relief! 


 Father God, I thank You for the love that You put in our 

hearts so that we can show that we care for others too in

 words and in deeds.

 Your love gives us great joy and encouragement. 

Thank You that You give us fully understanding of what we

 have in You.

 Thank You that in Your words, we can refresh our souls 

whenever we need it.

 Thank You for You love to fellowship with us. 

We can come to You at any moment and You listens. 

My heart rejoices in you.


  1. Nicely done Ate guy. Camila is beautiful...I am missing ate Lida so much..

    1. Thanks Mary Ann. Missing Lida so much too!

  2. Kjære Joy! Det er hardt å ta farvel. Sist fredag vart både Svigermor og ei av tantene mine gravlagt.
    Dei var gamle og hadde levd eit langt liv, men alikevel vondt..
    I dag las eg dødsannonsa til ein slektning av meg som døde berre 48år gamal. Derstår mann og tre tenåringar igjen. Måtte Gud vere med dokke, dei og oss alle i sorgens time!


    1. Ja det er sant! Vi må bare gjøre det beste ut av det!

  3. a life well lived- faithful and inspiring... shes blessed with loving people around her, having sisters who let her feel shes cared of and not alone especially in her last days.. <3

    1. True and thanks Jasmaine for your comment.

  4. I'm across the world, but I'm holding you in my arms and prayers, Sweetie. Thank you for sharing the beautiful tribute to your sister whom I had been praying for. I can cross her name off my prayer list now because she has received the ultimate healing.

    1. Thank you so much saleslady371. I appreciate your prayers.+

  5. God bless you precious one. Thanks for sharing your heart, and such caring words. Love you. So sorry for your loss.

  6. Hi Joy! I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a sibling is just a very hard blow. I'm so glad you have such a beautiful, close, supportive family to lean on. I know she will live on in your heart.
    Blessings to you always,

    1. Thanks Ceil. I am happy too that she is having a nice time with God now!

  7. Så vakker krans, det er godt å ha familie og venner når en har så tunge stunder.
    Jeg håper det går bra med deg.


  8. My heart goes out to you Joy. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sisters are such special people.

  9. I'm so sorry for your lose. You will be in my prayers. <3

  10. Sorry for loss, dear. Must be tough losing a sister. I pray that you and your family will get through and be well despite this big loss. May her love and beautiful memories comfort you.

    1. Thank you Lux G for your concern and prayer.

  11. Just stopping by to say thank you for leaving such a kind comment on my blog.

    My heart goes out to you during this painful time. Sending love.

    1. Thank you so much Birdie. God bless your heart!

  12. I'm sorry for your loss. She is at peace now and we will be reunited in Heaven.

    1. Yes Mildred, she is in heaven now and enjoying her time!

  13. You have such a beautiful family , Joy.
    I know how much you must miss your sister ...and so sorry for your loss.

    I shall keep you in my prayers ...

  14. Replies
    1. Thanks Recovering Lutheran. Yes, God is my comfort!

  15. She's with God now. Condolences mommy Joy...

  16. My dear and precious friend Joy, my heart goes out to you and your family. Your photos are so beautiful. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. God is with you.

  17. May she rest in peace forever... she is now in the bosom of our dear Lord Jesus Christ

  18. So very sorry to hear this.

  19. Yes Ladyfi, but life must go on!

  20. So sorry for your loss. It is never easy to say goodbye to loved ones, but we know that one day we will meet up with them and that is what keeps us strong. It is good that you have your close family members to support and encourage one another. Take care and God bless.

  21. So sorry for your loss. It is never easy to say goodbye to loved ones, but we know that one day we will meet up with them and that is what keeps us strong. It is good that you have your close family members to support and encourage one another. Take care and God bless.

  22. Hello po Mommy Joy.
    Muli po ay ang aking taos pusong pakikiramay sa inyo,

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I am so sorry for your family's loss. She was obviously very loved. Peace. ❤

    2. Thanks McGuffy Ann. Yes, we loved her dearly!

  24. Once again Joy, my condolences for the loss of your sister. My wife & I have already arranged to have our bodies cremeted and placed in urns that are shaped like angels and placed in the mausoleum where my parents are at. It's a sad day but unfortunately has to be arranged early so that my children won't have any problems. I do love the way that you all planned the ending of your sister. Beautiful but sad. Give my love to everyone.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Thank you Paul. Yes, although it is hard to plan our death, but me too wish to be cremated and my ashes be spread on the sea. Thanks for visiting!

  25. Again, I am so very sorry. Not having a sister, I cannot imagine your pain. I think it will get better, though you will never get over it. But she is dancing and waling on streets of gold now. This service looks extraordinary! The food, singing, balloons, what a beautiful and wonderful way to say good-bye.

    1. Thanks Ginny. I am happy to make my sisters farewell special. it is her wish!

  26. Hi Ms. Joy, how apt this post as it is indeed death makes a new life, a life with Christ. And as I type these words, I am also sending my condolences to you. Just to let you know my dad passed away this morning so re-reading this post was hard.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Oh Joy, thank you for allowing us to view your grieving and your joy at knowing you will see your sister again. Our family has experienced two death in 2014, but after long illnesses but in both we know we will see them again. I miss my sister in law, miss her joking with me, miss your honest open way of communicating, she grew in the knowledge of her Savior giving her peace in her last days. It was a Godly death, a celebration just I see the death of your sister. My husband said of the death of his sister and brother they taught is how to die well. The older we get we pray for the grace to die well as much as we pray for the grace to live well before we go home to be with the Lord. I am listening to the songs on your post, haunting and beautiful. Thanks you for posting this.

  29. Boa tarde, lamento a perca da sua irmã, ela vai estar sempre na sua memoria dos restantes familiares.

  30. What a wonderful memorial service and gathering for your special sister, Joy. I know it was hard on all of you but you also know that your sister is out of pain and with God now. There's nothing better than that!!!!

    George and I want to be cremated also and want our ashes strewn over a waterfall somewhere --probably Fall Creek Falls.

    Hugs and Prayers for the Family,

  31. Dear Joy, I'm so sorry about the loss of your dear sister. I too lost a sister far too young many years ago now. We are coming up on the anniversary of her passing. It is so hard for you to lose a loved one but I know you believe (as do I) and have hope that one day you will be reunited. Praise God. It looks like all of you who loved your sister had a very nice home going ceremony for her and had a special time together. I pray that God would keep and guard her daughters and her loved ones left behind. Blessings and hugs. xx

  32. Lieve Joy, big hug from me and I pray for you. I am so sorry for you. I hope you can cherish good memories. xxx

  33. My condolences to you and your family Joy. Wonderful to have good family support during this time. As someone who is very close to my sisters I know how deep the bond of sisters can be.


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.