
Monday, January 12, 2015

Let us color our world!

Yes, it is winter in Norway and most of the time it is dark and cold. Today, the sun didn't show up and it was dark,  blowing and snowing when I drove home from work.
After eating dinner, which my kind husband prepared, I slept for two and half hours. Wow! That was good.
Anyway, since it is now already dark, I just want to contribute coloring our world with my pictures from last summer.

 Last night, I finished again a pair of potholders:) The sixth pair I believe I made so far this month!

Ending this post with words to ponder and a prayer for your and me:

Are we ready? Do we see the signs? Or do we need to be ready or see the signs? Are we fed up of all evils and sufferings?

The Son of man will come....and then He will reward each according to his work.
 Matthew 16:27

Dear God, help us to discern Your works around us and in every area of our lives. Let us follow Your leadings although they will be a cross to bear. We don't need to carry those crosses alone. We can put our burdens to You. Thank You that we can find again all that we lost in You.

" He surely is coming, I do not know when;
But this I am sure of, He is coming again;
So you'd better get ready, no time for delay,
For Jesus is coming, it may be today!"- Smith

Jesus may come anytime, so we must be ready all the time.



  1. Amen. And thank you for the beautiful flower pics. So beautiful to see them in our Europian wintertime. Thank you.

  2. Gorgeous colours and shots!

  3. Hi Joy, I love that you want to brighten the darkness with such beauty. Great pics!!! and I love your thoughts at the end. I love your prayer. Yes, we need to be ready and we need to see the signs. We also need to not fear and to trust Jesus when all around us seems "dark". Great post
    God bless

  4. How beautiful the flowers are Ms. Joy ... thanks for sharing : )

  5. Hi Joy! Those bright yellow flowers are a welcome spot of color! It's been snowing and cold here too. The rose is just gorgeous. And getting ready for the return on Christ? That's always something to ponder and plan. I hope I am living a life worthy of him, but most of all I depend on his grace to carry me to himself!
    Hope you rest well tonight,

  6. Pwede na pong pang-wallpaper sa desktop ang mga kuha ninyo :)
    Mukhang interesting pong matuto ng pagga-gantsilyo... kaso nung ginagawa po namin yan ni hindi ako nakapagpasa ng isang buong project :)

  7. Beautiful flower pics! So colorful and bright! I can relate to the nap after a winter dinner!

  8. Hello, greetings.

    Fantastic photos of beautiful flowers. The pot holder is very lovely,

    Yes, we should be prepared for the arrival of Jesus. He will come at any time.

    Best wishes

  9. How beautiful flowers, potholder is so colorful and pretty :)


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.