
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Homemade pot holders!

Hello everyone!  How are you today? I hope you in doing fine. Here in my place it is minus five degrees, but the sun is shining. So, it is a nice day, concerning we had storm yesterday.

By the way, I made these potholders from left over yarns. I will bring it as gifts to my loved ones in the Philippines in March:)

Ending this post with summer memories with my younger sister picking strawberries from our older sister's strawberry field.

I have lots of these in the freezer which I used to make smoothies. 

the lucky lady

White rose from from my garden last summer

How about you? Do you have lots of good memories last summer?


  1. I've never had strawberries that fresh

  2. I just visited a strawberry field over the winter break. Where is your older sister's location?

    1. Opps, far away! I guess it is best to visit during the summer break.

  3. Lovely photos, Joy. You look great.

  4. ganda ng mga potholders Ms. Joy ang mga strawberries ang fresh parang sa La Prensa ng Forevermore he he he


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.