
Friday, April 12, 2013

7th, 8th and 9th and 10th entries to " Letter to God contest"

Be prepared to be teary eyed and to be inspired by these entries:

7th entry

My Photo

 Unto the Lord
            Melvin ( Mecoy) Coyne

I turned my back on you,
And embraced the darkness within me.
I was lost in obscurity,
And I was departed from your glory.

My body is in the process of decay,
Which caused me an interminable agony.
Illness were brought by my undelectable doings,
And for that, I deeply feel sorry.

But in the midst of my solitude,
And  in the depths of my despair;
I never felt neglected or alone,
Because you always been there.

I fell in the abyss of my grave,
I was tormented by my sins,
But then you lend me your pious hand,
And delivered me from my sufferings.

I grievously confess my sins unto you,
I am heartily sorry for having offended thee.
My heart was pierced with contrition,
I have learned my lesson, so please forgive me.

I profoundly thank you my Lord,
For you endowed me with you love and glory.
Salvation in granted through your incomparable passion,
And I honor you in your divine sovereignty.

To you, I surrender my body and soul,
Infuse it with you most precious vestal blood,
And fortify me with your ever sacred heart.
All praises is unto you, my father, my savior, my GOD.

From poging Mecoy :

8th entry


"I opened the window this morning
and praised your Holy Name
as the window invited the sun in
so my soul begged your blessing

What will a day be like
when Your light isn’t there
Shadows will hover over me
chase away joy, bring in despair.

I have been through those days
countless times, My Lord
when everything I did was routine
without meaning nor reward.

How easy it was to bewail my lot
and envy another’s fortune
blame You, Lord, for all I lacked
sing my hymns with listless tunes.

So, let Your radiance in, My Lord
brighten the corners of my soul
guard the beauty you blessed it with
make this humble castle Your abode.

Then at night, before I sleep
may this be my prayer -
that Your Face shine through mine
my heart rest always in Your care."

From Imelda of:

                                                                                9th entry

                                                                  My Photo

by Kelvin S.M. / 2013

....and when I thought thou make a man in me
thou grinn'st: 'child, I am not done yet.'

O, Lord -

Do you (really) hear this voice?
 This little bird-song inside my throat that
greets the morn in many a summer-day?
This fragmented psalm I throw in the air that
furtively haunts many a quiet-night?
Sometimes cold, dark and dreary, but
always hungry -
hungry to be heard

Do you hear me clear, O, Lord?

Do you ( really) see this man?
This little child that ne'er grows old ere your eyes?
Do you look at the curves in my face I re-
arrange each day? ( or) Do you prefer to read the
history I map into my skin?

Do you see me there, O, Lord?

Do you ( really) speak this tongue?
 This language of man that kills a living, (and)
gives life to a dying soul? This trumpet of sins that
curses my whole, (sometimes) loathes the world,
(sometimes) betrays my Lord's behest? but,
no, this tongue forgets naught of repent
and of love - yes-
love, love, love

Do you speak of me, Lord?

Do you (really) feels this act?
 This broken dance of my little bird's feet that
hops and hops from boughs to boughs of
your extend'd grace after ev'ry rain? This care-
less walk o'er your scatter'd reamins that
fossilizes foot-marks I make with thee?

Do you feel me here, O, Lord?

O, Lord-
let you be the ear that listens to song I sing;
let you be the eye that reads my lips when I
look down a river;
let you be the tongue that sings of praise and of light;
let you be the skin that shelters a weary soul.

O, Lord, let you be the firmanent I look up each morn,
ah, let you be the  senses I wear everyday.

From Kelvin :

10th entry

Emoterong Bulol

From: Emoterong Bulol

Dear God,

I am not in peace and you know that
I don’t blame you in everything
But I questioned a lot
I ponder even more

I can’t understand my presence
I can’t find my reasons
i am lost
I can’t find my way back

I can’t walk, I can’t talk
I have everything but everything is nothing
I’m alive but I died inside
I don't understand the whole thing

Years I am asking my purpose
I get no answers
The more I tried to get close to you
The more I’ve been pushed away

What I am in this world
Am I born to get hurt
To feel unloved
To suffer

Where are you?
What did you do?
Do I need to get hurt more
To feel that you loved me?

Can I still walk in the garden?
Can I still talk to you verbally?
How far that could be?
How long I can take all these?

For more information of the " Letter To God Contest"

 click here

Thanks Mecoy, Imelda, Kelvin and Poy for your amazing entries!

More entries to come


  1. OMG, Mecoy's entry is in. Grabe, wala akong masabi ang galing.

    Goodluck to all the participants.

    Naku, mukhang di na ako makakapag submit ng entry ah huhuhu T__T

  2. What a revelation Mecoy!

    Your work is overly nice! Good luck to you and the rest.

  3. Sumasabog ang mga high falluting words ang at too much jargon hehehe!

  4. Really enjoying these letters.

  5. These are more wonderful entries...I'm sure many more to come...Diane

  6. "Then at night, before I sleep
    may this be my prayer -
    that Your Face shine through mine
    my heart rest always in Your care."

    ~~ liked this a lot... magkasunod kami ni ate Imelda... hihi... i adore her poetry too... tnx po Ms. Joy for this opportunity of sharin' & simply bein' here... smiles...

    1. p.s.>>> there were few typos... but it's ok... smiles... i've revised the italic lines on mine... the whole piece was actually written in old english but decided to make in more contemporary. (:

  7. napa nosebleed ako ng wagas sa entries. hahaha

    lalo na kay mecoy :p

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. sa excitement ko napacomment ako gamit account ng brother ko
    omg may 2 akong typo!
    hehe anyways salamat ate joy, bilis magpost ahh

    aun di ata good luck ang appropriate na sabihin kundi, God bless!

  10. Wow geat poem MEcoy and KElvin.. good luck

  11. Ang galing.. great entries..Thank you for sharing.

  12. Joy, thanks for posting. Ang gagaling ng mga kasama ko. I am especially proud of Kelvin as I am a follower of his poetry blog. He is good and he is still young. He is a poet to watch out for, if not already. :-)

    Joy, sorry ngayon lang ako naka-comment. We are out of town for the weekend. May request lang ako, kung hindi naman abala - may typo error pala ako sa title. Pwede pa-edit ng "INN' to "IN"? Sa pagmamadali ko, hindi ko na na-review nang maayos ang sinulat ko. :-) Salamat ha?

    I am looking forward to the other entries. :-)

    Cheers, Imelda

  13. Ang gagaling ng mga sumali at ang kanilang likha, 7th entry so far ang bet ko superb!

    Mukhang di yata ako makakasali dito mommy Joy sorry po, medyo wala ako sa focus these days.. i was trying pero diko magawa lalo't English hehe nosebleed :) Good Luck sa mga sumali at sasali!

    1. Ok lang gracie. Gagaling nga. Take care:)

  14. All contestants are good and it only tells you how creative they are.


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.