
Saturday, April 13, 2013

11th and 12th entry

I am so privileged having you all wonderful blogfriends who keeps sending entries to " Letter To God Contest".  Your letters are the  my highlights of the day. Making me smile, making me cry, and really warms my heart. Inspiring letters.

So now for the eleventh entry:) It is from a guy who likes running and climbing mountains. A strong man with a soft and kind heart. A friend of many. His name is Empi in blogworld.

God is my best friend

I’ve been through a lot of pains,
And you’re there to ease what I feel.
I’ve been through a lot of disappointments,
And you’re there to inspire me.
I’ve been through a lot of heartaches,
And you’re there to comfort me.
I have reclaims about life,
And you’re there to help me realized that life is beautiful.
I have dreamt about something,
And you’re there to make it happen.
When I’m about to end my life,
Your whisper and words make me feel guilty.
When I’m feeling blue,
Your words remind me that you love me.
God, thank you for everything,
You are indeed my best friend.

 This is my remembrance with you Empi  with Rix and Joanne. Thanks for meeting me and joining
                  " Letter to God Contest."

 And now for the 12th entry. This is from Genskie. A very sweet lady with a lovely voice that I long to hear. A writer, a fighter and a survivor. Having God as her Father, comforter and provider.
So let us read her heartwarmimg letter to God.


Father it's been a while since we last talked.
I always sing songs and talk to people about you.
But then I can't truly recall the last time we sat together
and had a heart to heart talk.

Father forgive my inadequacy
For words wouldn't be enough to express my gratitude and 
reverential respect towards you.
I know I am not the best, but Father I plea!
Hear me out! Extend your love and compassion upon me!

You see Lord, my childhood was not the best.
I lacked fatherly love-- I must confess.
My lonely heart has had no rest.
But, because of your love I have been blessed.

This letter is not solely for me.
But for the little angels, yes! that's who they're gonna be.
Children that I haven't met yet,
blessings that I will love till my last breath.

Father I pray that you guide me.
To be the best mom I can be.
Don't let the hatred for my biological father be seen.
But, let the wonderful love of my mom intervene.

Let the things I've learned from every suffering,
Teach them that in every failure there comes winning.
Let my hands and feet be the extension of yours,
That you may perfectly guide them through life's different doors.

Let them grow strong to defeat and stand against every adversity
but be kind and gentle to those who need it.
May your wisdom help them in their every decision.
Enough to judge between right and wrong.

Help me Father, to raise them in modesty.
Where you are the center of the family.
Keep them safe from this harsh and promiscuous world
And let them look forward to heaven's gold.

This note comes from the heart.
Of your child. Of your servant.
And a future mom.

                         From: Genskie's Written VoicesGenskie's Written Voices

Thanks Marco and Genskie for these awesome Letters To God. 

For more information about this " Letter To God Contest" Click here!

                                             More entries to come:



  1. Wow, another great entries from our fellow Pinoy bloggers.

    Good job Ate Gen and Kuya Empi. Ang galing nyo.

    I'm starting to shrink here T_T

    1. I am sure you too will do a wonderful job Fiel-kun:)

  2. It is really uplifting and heart warming to see entries especially from bloggers friends.

    This made me realized how amazing your contest is. Aside from it brings out the Godly poet in us, it is great to know that we have similiraties of thoughts in terms of how we want to speak with God!

    Kudos Mommy Joy! We are all winners!

    1. OO nga Senyor. Kung ako ang judge, lahat ng entries ay winners na talaga.

      Nakakauplift ng spirit and soul ang mga entries.

      And thanks for being a faithful reader:)

  3. Keep sending guys! hehehe! You all have great poetic abilities. Mine, I guess, will be on the buzzer beater time. I might send it a week before deadline or baka sa last day pa hehehe!

    Good luck sa lahat!

  4. Waaahhhhhhh gagaling ng nga sumali :D good job guys.

  5. holy holy god mommy joy they are really all good!! hanggang ngayon hindi ko pa nakausap si lord. parang tumaob katawan ko sa mga entries nila hahaha

    1. Ang gagaling nga lalah. Nakakalaglag ng luha:) I am.sure you have one too:)

  6. WOW! all the participants are really good,Joy. It makes me thinks if I have to join or not.hehhehe.As I told you before I;m good in writing a poem but i will do my best to write on sunday. Great one, nagkita pala kayo nila Joanne. buti naman, ang saya siguro ma meet yan sila kasi enjoy nga ako sa blog nila paano pa kaya in person.Have a weekend dear.

  7. Oo nga mhie. So happy yo meet them:)

  8. wow ang gagaling nina empi at genskie!
    sasarap basahin! good luck and god bless guys

  9. wow! Goodluck sa entry... galing naman nila....

  10. Ang galing nila. I never get tired of reading these entries. Thank you for sharing.

  11. Oo nga eden. Inspirational. More entries to come:)

  12. Winner na winner ang mga entries :) galing po. hihi. na touch me ng slight sa entry ni ate genskie :)

  13. Oo nga jessica. Naiyak ako don. But ang gagaling nila talaga;:)

  14. Joy, these entries are inspirational and heartwarming! On another note, thank you, so much, for contributing to Denise's CPAP machine. Because of you and other generous donors, we have almost made our goal of 100.00. I am also going to check out sites/companies that may be able to donate a machine or at least, give her a discount for the machine. By the way, you will receive a refund on shipping, once your bookmarks have been weighed and shipped. I'm almost sure that they will not cost as much as you paid, after weighing. Many Blessings!

  15. Bless you for ordering from Cynthia to help me, you greatly touched my heart. I love you.

  16. Welcome Denise and Cynthia. Thats what friends are for:)

  17. hi, there! wishing you a great week ahead;) btw,touching letters.

  18. Inspiring letters! touching!! God bless everyone!

  19. These are very heartfelt and very touching, I'm glad I happened across them.

  20. gandang ng mga poems mommy. nagback read ako. sayang wala akong talent na ganito. ;-(

  21. good luck empi and ate genskie. touch ako sa poem ni ate gens

  22. OMG! very touching.. good luck to all participants:) Love reading all of the entries


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.