
Monday, August 6, 2012

On the way home!

As I mentioned in my last post, there are more to see along the road on the way home. So hope you too will enjoy the scenic view as we pass by!

Beauty as far as our eyes can see!

Want to have a picnic here? 

A bridge connecting the islands

I thought we can find something in this small shop along the way. So better take a look!

Handmade dolls!

Something to hang on the wall at home?
 The first poster says: Friends who cultivate goodness, reaps love.
and the second poster says: Honesty last long, but you won't get rich.
Which one would you choose?

We can drink coffe and eat cake here if you want to.

Or wine at the bar?

I found nothing to buy.  How about you? I love though this huge flowering tree. But it was not for sale:)

Well, back on the road again.....

Just enjoy the view.....

Huge mountain rocks on both sides....
And this is the last stop to enjoy the view....

Bye for now!  Next time we are going to hike up in a mountain. 500 meter above sea level. So you need to rest too.

"Thought for the day"

The goal that you set must be challenging.
at the same time, it should be realistic
and attainable, not impossible to reach.
It should be challenging enough to
make you stretch, but not so far that you break.
Rick hansen


  1. Friends who cultivate goodness, reaps love.
    -i love that and the pictures as well :)

    1. That is my choice too pink line. Thanks fot the visit. Hope you visit my other blog too:)

  2. I love the water pictures. Going to the water is my favorite thing to do.

  3. I love the last photo, you look so cute there, and happy too! I chose "Friends who cultivate goodness, reaps love."

  4. Thanks joanne. Yes i am happy being with my hubby. Hope you visit my other blog too:) have a nice day!

  5. Hi Joy! Lovely pictures.

    Joy yes, I was able to fix my computer. Thank you for your concern. Blessings.

  6. They are very beautiful places. You must have reluxed there.
    Thank you for commenting to my blog. At that time you asked whether we can swim in that river. For it, the water is cold, so nobody swim.
    I chose "Friend who cultivate goodness,reaps love"
    Have a lovely week!

  7. Hi Joy, as always I so enjoy your breathtaking photos. They're so beautiful! It looks like you had a fabulous day! I wish i could be there. It looks so relaxing. :)

  8. Thanks for taking us with you! God really gave us so much beauty to appreciate! I would have bought the plaque about friends, and definitely not the second one! That kind of thinking makes business people do all sorts of dishonest things because they think they won't make a good living if they follow God's ways! Absolutely not true! Patsy from
    HeARTworks and

  9. love the last pic Ms Joy, ang happy happy mo :)

    ang cute ng dolls sa store..ang pipiliin ko sa sign ay yung may "Friends who cultivate goodness, reaps love" dahil naniniwala ako dyan :))

  10. I sure love the view on the way home.... all postcard scenes and you live there. You will not exhaust the beauty to praise God for.

    Thanks for sharing and I enjoy the way to and back.

    And the photos are just worth keeping too. I love where you are, Joy.

    And the quote is so apt.

  11. Joy, your images are stunning. Thanks so much for sharing them. And thanks for visiting my blog.


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.