
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Climbing to the top!

Do you remember that I said in my last post that our next trip is to go up to ca 500 above sea level mountain? Kopparen is the name of the mountain. 5 kilometer is the distance from down to top. Are you ready now? Hope you are wearing a jogging shoes, coz it will be a long journey. 

If you look closely at the picture behind the trees, you can see an antenna on top of the mountain. That is our destination.

So here is the trail. It is not allowed to drive here for public, so we are going to walk and walk and walk uphill.

But don't forget to look around, so you wont get bored. Flowers everywhere.

Another look at where we are going , so we will no loose the tract. 

Don't forget to pick and eat some wild berries to quench your thirst.

Yellow flowers....

Time to get some rest and drink water. My oh my, I am already tired after walking half an hour. But, I am older than you, you know:)

Now, maybe we need to fill our bottles with more drinking water? 

Now, we are half of the journey after walking uphill about an hour. As you can see at the back, we are not far away from our goal. 

Now we can look down where we came from. Beautiful, isn't it?

And this one? Really eye catching!

How about this flower?

As you can see, we had gone a long way to the top.....

More flowers to see along the way...

Don't forget to enjoy the view....

At last we are now on top. And its getting colder. Better to put on your jacket too:)

Do you want to eat on this table made from a huge rock? I am sure you are now hungry too.

But let us take a look of whats on top of this mountain. I believe this is a radar.

Looks like we are on top of the moon:)

Here are the antennas that we saw on top of the mountain before we began our mountain climbing.

And that is how it looks like on top of the world!

It's like flying in an airplane. Only here you can feel the cold wind saturating every inch of your body.

But before going back, we have to take some rest, coz now my body is really aching after 2 hours of climbing to this mountain.

See the beauty around.....

Can you see the cross on the other side?

How about this thing? Reminds you of something? It looks like a woman giving bitrth to me:)

Then back to the trail again, this time the other way around. Can you see that cottage there? We are going to take a rest again there, coz my feet won't go anymore.

Oh, I hope someone will carry me home later. I don't want to walk for one hour more.

But no choice, and guess what's on the trail. A baby snake crosssing our path. Hope you won't scream. It does not help.

And look who is watching us:) A squirrel on a tree!

At last  we are now at the  parking lot. But these busses are for horses. So we better look for my car.

And here it is, waiting for us. Hope you enjoy our mountain climbing:)
Next time will be boating! So, I hope you are not seasick. Bye for now!



  1. Stunning shots. We live 3,000 feet above sea level. I think your mountain is much bigger!

    1. It seems so Collen. I believe it is beautiful there where you live aloso:)Thanks for visiting back!

  2. Beautiful and certainly worth the hike if you have the stamina!

    1. Yes, it was beautiful RR, but as you can say, if one has the stamina. Sorry to say, I don't have, but it was worth the hike. Thanks for visiting:)

  3. What beautiful photos you have here and I so envy you. Love to go trekking and mountain climbing too.

    Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I'm your latest follower. Hope you can follow back :)

    1. Thanks Anne for visting and following:) I followed you back!

  4. Beautiful, it is. Really felt like I was climbing with you. Your place never fails to amuse me. If there's a baby snake, I'm pretty sure mommy's around, scary! You look so cute on that hooded jacket :)

    1. Yes, joanne, I was glad the mommy snake didn't come along. hi hi.Thanks for the nice comment and visiting:)

  5. That was a great hike with stunning flowers and beautiful views. A woman giving birth, huh? I had to smile at that. It wasn't the first thought that came to mind for me, but I could see it after you put the idea in my mind. I'm glad you didn't scream at the baby snake and I'm happy you reached your goal and made it down the mountain too.

    1. Thanks Black Jand and carol for visiting and for the nice commment. Yes; I didnt scream, but the one of the two girls that were walking beside us did. Hi HI

  6. Thank you for taking me up the mountain with you, Joy. I can praise God in the beauty you have around you. No wonder, you don't look any older. You are surrounded by God's wonderful creation and I hope people too.

    Love all the shots you took and I marvel at the grandness of the world God made.

    1. Thankd Lolita. I am so lucky to be surrounded by the beauty of God's creation and people too. But I miss big christian fellowship like you have there in the Philippines. I am so glad that there is internet where I can listen to preaching and read testimonies from bloggers like you.

  7. What absolutely gorgeous photos, so many wonderful colors and textures. What a climb, and you made it. Congratulations.,

    1. Thanks Jewaicious. Happy too that I made it!

  8. Thanks for taking me along your walk and what beutiful view...I really enjoyed it and gret pics too.Have a great day!


    1. Thanks too Shantana for coming along and have agreat day too!

  9. Enjoyed this tour, so beautiful.

  10. Thanks for bringing us along, Joy. I LOVE visiting with you even though I've never been to Norway.

  11. Joy, this has been such a wonderful hike. Beautiful photos and fabulous post. I don't usually hike while sitting and drinking coffee...not much exercise this way. :D

  12. I just had a very nicde dose of nature viewing! thank you for sharing these wonderful photos... and I do hope that you were able to get a good rest after this tiring but oh-so-sweet-mountaing-climbing :)

    Spanish Pinay

  13. Thanks Sp. Yes, I did rest for many days. hi hi. Thanks for visiting:)

  14. Breathtaking views captured so perfectly! Your place is so beautiful Ms. Joy, thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Thanks for visiting and the nice comment Tal:)

  15. Wow..wonderful landscape photos. Definitely worth the climbing I think! ;) God bless!

  16. Oh my God Joy this is so impressive! Seems like more challenging than running ha ha.

    And what is that place at the top with the antennae where you went to? And you really can eat the wild berries? are they really edible? and drink the water along the way? you can't do that here in Pinas ha ha.

    I can't wait for to see your boating adventure!

    1. It is a place of course that they built to put those radars ans antenna Balut, but they made it also as a tour place. But kung ikaw ang pupunta dito ay makarating ka siguro on top for one hour coz you are well trained. Pero kami magasawa ay kulang s atraining, kaya we used double time and our bodies ached so much.hi hi.Ilang beses nga kami nalampasan ng ibang nag tour don. Isa pa, I was taking pictures too. Hi hi.May excuse pa noh? thanks for visiting and follwing my other blog. Followed yours too. that is what are friends are for, di ba? hi hi. BUmanat pa talaga. LOL

  17. breath taking ang view from the top! hope you felt that it was worth the walk kasi super haba ng nilakad nyo :)

    looking forward to your boating trip :))

  18. Yes, Zaizai. it was worth the climbing. Actually, matagal ko na gusto punathan to, only half an hour drive from our place, pero that time lang nag karoon ng time ang hubby ko. Thanks for the visit:)

  19. Wow awesome place.... I would love to be there... You are blessed :)

  20. i so love your pictures...favorite ko yung flowing water in the middle of green grasses.. sana makapunta ako sa ganitong place someday..naiiba ang mood ko pag nakakakita ako ng ganitong place..narerelax ako :) more pictures! hehe demanding :)

    1. Thanks Pink Line. Don't worry, more pictures to come. hi hi

  21. oh my gosh..what a walk..more like an adventure!! what breathtaking!! and now you can relax and enjoy your pictuers and tired muscles!

    1. Yes annmarie, it was very tiring, but worth the trip. Thanks for the visit:)

  22. wow wow wow Joy! I love it! It's beautiful and I love your breathtaking photos. It looks like you had a ownderful time! Thank you for the visual journey. :)

  23. Stunning pictures Joy all except that baby snake which looks pretty big to me.

  24. Enjoying your shots, one by one :)
    Thanks for the visit.

  25. thanks again for sharing pictures with you..


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.