
Thursday, June 7, 2012


Photo by: Ole JOhnny Male

Imagine yourself being in a desert , sun  burning not only your skin but also the very core of your body . And all you can think is  water...water...water to drink.  
  And when you see this droplet of water, it will mean the whole world for you. It means hope, life, strength and survival.
And who can survive without water? How can we make us clean with just a soap? How can we grow crops with just the sun? How can we sail a ship without water? The list is endless. 

When Jesus was on earth, he got thirsty too.  Back in those days, they either ride a mule or  use  their feet to go from A to B. Walk and walk and walk miles after miles. I supposed they were always thirsty walking under the scorching heat. Nowadays, most of  just walk to be in good shape. Or else we use bicyles cars, bus, cabs, trains and so on. 

John 4: 7 When a samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, " Will you give me a drink?"

It made me think that Jesus ask something from us. To give something that we have, not to make things worse for us, but  to give us back something that is more valuable. For me it means giving my life to him and he will give me eternal life in return.

John 4: 13 Jesus answered, " Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoeever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.

How would you like to have that kind of water...welling up to eternal life?  Think how wonderful it would be to be the one who can quench thirsty souls, brings hope to the helpless and life to the withered. I believe that is why Jesus wants us to ask him for the living water. It will be a spring of living water in us that flows to others too! 

We will not be just a droplet of water, but we will be like this waterfall that can give life to many!

Photo by Ole Johnny Male
It reminds me of this wonderful promise from God's words that if we remain connected to the source of living water:

He is  like a tree planted by the streams of water, which yields it's fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prosper. Psalm 1:3

So friends, be thirsty:)


  1. Water is so precious in so many ways To sustain us, is so vital. Thank you Joy for sharing. Blessings.

  2. wow I love your post! Water is is powerful how it quenches our thirst, but what resonated with me was your take on the spiritual filling that God gives us. It's so beautiful and your post encouraged me today! Thank you :)

  3. Joy what great pictures to go along with great reminders of the spiritual water

  4. Great devotional post, Joy... Love it!!!!! Since I'm a lover of waterfalls, I certainly can relate to this post... Thanks so much for sharing.

  5. This is one precious post, Joy. On the lighter side, this reminds me of the famous quote from Bruce Lee... "Be water, my friend" :-D

    Spanish Pinay

    1. Thanks SP and that is a very nice quote to " Be water,my friend"

  6. Replies
    1. OO nga arvid. Without water, wala din life sa mundo:)

  7. When our thirst is quenched, we feel so much better and like waterfalls that continuosly flow, the love of God never stops.


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.