
Friday, June 8, 2012

No fish today!

Fishing today, but the fishes were not in sight!

but blue and glimmering seawater......

sea, land and sky.....

sightseeing group....

more beauty of nature....
 a glimpse of a church tower.....

 a barn.....

So no fish today, but I caught the beauty in sight.

"Thought for the day"

Be a self starter. Do it now!
When you do not know how to do something, start.
Beware of the paralysis of analysis.
Be a person of action.

Mamie McCullough


  1. Sorry you didn't catch anything except great views! Plus you had good time with your husband!

  2. Joy...this is beautiful. I especially love the shimmering water.

  3. What beautiful sceneries they are! You like fishing? Great!
    " Be a person of action" I want to become such a person.

  4. Love the thought for the day. I've been paralysed by analysis far too often in life.


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.