
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Russetiden: The time of our lives!

What can a mother do when her daughter is not a child anymore that she can protect and do what shes told? When she is 18 years old, turning 19 this year and  who's finding her own place in this world, walking unto the path that she believe is right and making decisions on her own. That whatever I say can be heard or not. And she says that I must let her do her own mistakes and learn from them. My heart  bleeds for some of the choices that she is taking that I believe was not right for her.But like I said...what can  a mother do ?

This is my youngest daughter as they described her in school's newspaper as " Stoneface" 

Kamilla is one of the fortunate outcome of the the kids that was born in Fjæraveien. And she managed to do it well with what she have.  Kamilla is what they call in school as the "Queen of ice"  that all first and second graders fears.  But although she seems to be tough,  deep inside  she's gentle as a lamb.  That is why she got the label "Stone Face", but with a soft heart.

Anyway, they are soon graduating from the three years course in college. Then after that they can apply in a university as most of the students do.  They call themselves 
" Rød russ" .  Actually "russetid" is the time where red and blue caps is worn, between  higher  school- leaving examination and the announcement of the results.  

Anyway,  my daughter sent an article about it into the local newspaper. See the article under in print.

The article was written  in Norwegian, but part of it she said that since they were small, they were looking forward to be " "russ" because for them it is a very big day because they now call themselves adults. They are also celebrating for the 13 years in school will soon be over. 
One can say that life ends there, but no! Each and everyone of them will make a life after this season.

In " russetiden" they will create memories that some will forget because they were drunk when that happened. But after that is the final exams and each and everyone must do their best because they didn't priorize to review during 
" russetiden"

But for me as a mother, I am not a fan of their celebration as an adult because when they wear that red pants and caps, they believed that they have an excuse to do everything they want like wild parties and lots of stuffs that can make us parents turn our faces the other way around.

And here is my daughter with her red pants that should not be washed forever. In 17 days, all " Rød russ" will be wearing the same pants. They write everything on it as a remebrance of this time of their life, that is why it should not be washed.

As you can see in the picture. Maybe I too will write something on her pants!

The title " Russetiden" - The time of our lives" makes me think. Isn't  every minute of our lives is " a time of our lives?"

Every choice we make good or bad will affect our lives one way or another?

Anyway, in September my daughter and 3 others students will be leaving to Cuba. They are going to a three month study there. And what can we mothers do? My heart will going to bleed again. I am going to miss her. I am going to think of her safety everyday in a faraway land. I suppose , I need to entrust her life unto God just like I do every day for her siblings that are in the Philippines. 

I must hold on to God's promise:



  1. Awww... I'm not yet a mother, but I feel for you. Being away from family makes us anxious all the time. But seeing how you raised her well, I'm sure she'll be just fine. Oh, and happy mother's day to you!

  2. my daughter is 4 years I don't want to see her turning 18 because for sure at that time i might tell her every words you mentioned .. Well, happy mothers day to you. Visiting via Color Connection.

  3. Hi Joy - just stopping by to let you know that I responded to your question about adding blogs to your blog. Check back where you commented ( ) and see if that helps. I'll tell you how to link to a blog if you need to know that - but we're headed out to dinner with my parents. I'll be back a little later. :) Thanks for reading through my posts!

  4. Ohh! I don't like to think about it. I know my daughter will do once she is 18 year old.sight :) Any way Happy Mother's Day, Joy.

  5. awww, I can't (and don't want to) imagine my little one turning 18! I don't want to even think she'd be going to school soon :-O how can they grow up really fast???

    Happy mother's day, Joy! You are a wonderful mom!

    Spanish Pinay

  6. Hi Joy! It is a difficult period, when our kids are between being an adult and a child. They usually do want to make their own mistakes! All we can do is pray and pray and pray! Patsy from

  7. it's quite early unlike in here in the PH, we live with our parents until we are married... i'm 28 and i'm still with my parents, i can't imagine living on my own when I know my parents are just around, maybe it will be the same as what my parents will feel the other way around. I feel for you joy... maybe because of the different culture, so you have to let her go, she'll be fine. :D

  8. I really could feel your heart in this post. I trust that God watches over our children. The word reminds us that we train them up in the way they should go and they won't depart from it. I will be lifting you up knowing that God will keep her. Many blessings Joy and Happy Mother's Day to you!


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.