
Friday, May 11, 2012

Circus came to town!

When I was a child, we lived in a small village with not so many people. The people were farmers  and fishermens. There were only a few stores and it was a very monotone and  quite  life. But once a year, the circus comes and suddenly everyone was busy and the circus will be the talk of the town. For me, it's like seeing people from other planet.

Anyway, now I am old....not too old and living in a small town of Norway. And one day, the circus came to town.  I asked a dear old lady who lives in a nursing home if she wanted to go with me to see the show. And guess what? She was very happy that I asked. And so we went!

 The orchestra, getting ready for the show.

And here we are, like children, looking forward for the show.

And the show begins... colorful lights eveywhere

And the performers showed up..with  clowns of course!

Acrobatic show!

And the circus clown found a boy ( who had birthday that day) from the audience to help him with the show. The clown made the boy's birthday very special. 

The man with his ladder and lady assistant!

And a show with these cute dogs!

And a performer who did his dance while hanging with his wrists tied on  a rope.

juggling with balls

The stuntman ! He is really strongggggg!
Elephant show

Actually, I don't like this part of circus program because I feel sorry for the animals. Circus is not a good place for them. They must be outside where they can move and run freely. 

 And the circus way of saying goodbye! Until next year again.

And her way of saying goodbye !


  1. Mommy joy pls invite me next time ;) I would love to watch a circus once again. Last time was when I was a little girl.. Medyo natrauma pa ako nun kasi yung mama nilunok yung espada! Di tuloy ako nakatulog ng ilang gabi.

  2. Oh my Joy, you got some really good photos there. So glad that you had company to go to the Circus with. Blessings.

  3. Looks like a fun time! I love to hear about how you pour in to the lives of the elderly! What a blessing you are to them!

  4. The little dogs and the tigers were always my favorite part of the circus. You are never too old to enjoy the experience. Thanks for sharing.

    I am now a new Google Connect follower from Friendship Friday.
    Have a great weekend!

  5. How wonderful that you invited that woman to share your experience. I'm sure you made her day! Blessings to you!

  6. Circus is fun!! Been years since the last time I watched one. Thanks for sharing Ms. Joy, nice photos btw. :)

  7. Very nice. I love the picture of you and the "dear old lady."

  8. Thanks for taking your readers to the circus as well, Joy!

  9. awww! what a fun circus to watch...beautiful and colorful love it :-) Dropping by from Color Connection


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.