
Sunday, March 18, 2012

The walk of life!

For the first time, after a long winter, I decided to take a one hour walk.  It was only 6 degrees, but the weather was not so bad. But since I am a kind of person that freezes easily, I put on a sweater , jacket and an outerwear pants. 

It was cold at first when I started to walk. But after 15 minutes walking,  gradually my body became warmer.

After then I began to notice  the beauty of God's creation.

The sun that is about to shine, various kinds of colors,  and forms. It so amazing how God's workmanship gives energy to the seer. This time it is me. And maybe you?
But typical me, as I walk, I began to ponder in my mind that going for a walk is like living a life.  
We can be:
1. exhausted
 The more I go, the more I get tired. What did I do? I rest once in a while.  Like in our lives, we get exhausted and needs rest and sleep so that we can continue living. Everybody needs to take a break. 

And if we are weary, God said that we can cast our cares unto him and He will gives us rest. 

2. inspired
Many artist had taken their inspiration from the beauty of nature.  In addition it gives us the feeling of wellness. Beauty around us brightens our day. But to enjoy the  beauty around us, we have to see, look and listen. Two person can experience different things while walking the same path.
Once in a while, me and husband take a stroll out in the blue. And he notice every details along the path. But me, most of the time I think when I walk and can  missed all the details. Lucky for me, he walks beside me and often pulls me away from my dream world. 

3. irritated or be in bad mood.

Well, not everything is perfect. After a long winter, lots of garbage had been washed ashore. As you can see in the picture. It is like a sore to the eyes. But it is up to me how I will react. For me, I just see it as a part of nature and one can do something about it. I can  help to clean the surroundings when there is an oppurtunity:) 

Like in our walk in life, we can see  lots of garbage, hear lots of garbage, meet people who behave like garbage. But how do we deal with those garbages? 

1.First we can take the initiative to clean the sorroundings or help to do it. Or don't throw waste on the streets.

2. We can choose  not to pay attention to words that does not inspires us or make us down. And we can share words that inspires, builds up and motivates. Remember: we get in return what we give!

3.For all the people whom we think behaves like garbage... tips under:

*Before you assume, learn the fact!
*Before you judge, understand why!
*Before you hurt someone, feel!
*Before you speak, think!
( source: Honesty, Open-mindedness and Willingness)

Another thought for the day:

Be grateful for happiness

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. - Marcel Proust 



  1. This is a really nice post... have learned your site because of michi's recent contest. I never had a chance to explore other blog sites aside from michi's since my intention for having a blogsite is just for releasing some stress in life. It's really worth my time to read and will probably read more of your previous posts, very inspiring.

  2. love to see more pics of Norway.. someday.. by the way, thank you for all your lovely comments. it means so much to us.xo Monica

  3. I too am glad for the kinder temp and have tried walking again. It's amazing how our brain wanders when we go for quiet walks.
    Lovely photos of Norway =)

    1. Thanks Kristeta. you are right. daming pumapasok sa isisp pag nag lalakad. he he.

  4. I love the positivity in this post. Very inspiring. My fave is this: Before you assume, learn the fact!
    *Before you judge, understand why!
    *Before you hurt someone, feel!
    *Before you speak, think!

    Spanish Pinay


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.