
Monday, March 19, 2012

Our way of sharing God's love!

Every fourteen days, me, my brother-in-law, my sister and some friends used to visit the elderly. We sing songs for them and with them and we share God's words.


Cynthia, a friend and my sister sings while my brother -in-law  plays accordion.

And the elders  from this side who sings with us...

And the other side:)

 We bring also foods with us to be served after the meeting.

And this time I made this roll cake with vanilla filling. A recipe from my daughter's cooking book:
" Smaken av Fosen"

Picture from the book!

And the ingredients!

And to make the long baking process short, 

this is how the  cake look like after I sliced them to pieces. I made two portions!

My sister made three trays of  sliced bread with different toppings.

and fruits. 

And we all live happily ever after..... I mean we all went home happy and blessed.

                                                              "Thoughts for the day"

By giving our time, effort and means to served the elders, I believe it is one way of storing treasures in heaven. 



  1. i agree with you. Sharing in simple way and doing it by your heart is the greatest gift we can give to GOD.Thanks for stopping by in my blog.Ayy! I like your cake roll.if you don't mind can I ask your recipe.hehhe..its looks yum and healthy food.thank you.

  2. wow! the food are really mouthwatering... my friends also do 1 outreach program per year, we also tried the elderly and i can't hide my tears when i was assisting them. I was thinking that I hope someday, my children will not abandon me.

  3. How kind. My daughter is a Girl Scout Brownie and tomorrow we will go to our local senior center to deliver Girl Scout Cookies the community purchased as a gift to residents. The girls will sing songs during their dinner hour. Your post is making me excited to share and I love "By giving our time, effort and means to served the elders, I believe it is one way of storing treasures in heaven." Thank you, Joy. Inspiring and true.

  4. I'm so touched po sa entry nyo na to. I work in "sykehjem" and it feels good na there are really people like you who do the kindness and real effort to make other people happy specially the elders, even in simple ways.

  5. Thank you so much also Gracie. jeg jobber også på sykehejmmet som aktivitør and this the place where I work:) We really have so much in common. hi hi.

    1. Pansin ko nga po he he. Actually I'm reading your 2012 entries, di pa tapos pero naiinspire nyo na ako :D


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.