
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A sweet gift from Italy!

In  one of my post " Act of gratefulness"  I told about an old lady who  went to the store, walked one kilometer with a walker and in a cold weather just to buy me a bouquet of roses as a gift for my 50th birthday. And in the card she said that I will get more later, I just have to wait patiently. And I said that she does not need to buy me a gift coz she is already a gift from God to me.

                                   This is the flower that she gave me.

Anyway this sweet lady won a free trip to Italy and when she came back, she gave me this mask as a gift and souvenier from Italy!

In the card she wrote Italian greetings to me which I don't understand. Hi, hi. But the thought was there.

And then I have to try the mask to show her how I look like with the mask.

Do I look like  a cat woman to you?

 Anyway the elders suggested that I should wear the mask when I welcome my husband home from ombord the ship. Problem is I don't know what kind of attire will go with the mask...but they have a lots of suggestions :)

And not only that, before she leave I asked her if she can take some pictures so that I can see her trip to Italy. She had no camera, but I said that we have one that she can borrow. Sadly, I forgot to give the camera to her before she leaves.
But this sweet lady really touched my heart. There was a photographer there and also a person who was videotaping the trip. And she bought a film of the trip so that I can see her/them and places they visited in Italy.  And today, we watched the film together with the other elders and traveled to Italy with her. We admired her for what she had done, coz it was not easy for her to do that, coz she can't go without a help from a walker.

This is a walker!

I really appreaciate this lady. She is only 64 years old, but a stroke made her less movable. It was really tough for her because before she got the stroke, she worked as a diplomat and had travelled  many countries and speaks many languages. That made me think how fragile a human life is.  Anyway, she comes out of it and take life as it is. Because anything can happen, but we must live one day at a time.

It reminds me of God's words: Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own. ( Matthew 6: 34)

I am so  thankful for all the people who God sends into my path to show that although life can be tough, there is also joy. These sweet tokens of gifts made me very happy and thankful and feel loved. 

So my goal in life: Be a blessing and you will be blessed!

                Me and my homemade clown say hello to everybody.


  1. What a touching story. I can't help but be touched by her efforts to you. :) She reminds me of my grandma who also has to walk with a walker so I know how hard it is and how much effort one has to make just to walk. She deserves the trip to Italy and it's great that she had the chance to travel again. :)

  2. that lady has a golden heart. I'm sure you have really touched her heart that's why she treats you dearly. I believe that kindness begets kindness :) I love the mask and the clown too :)

    Spanish Pinay

  3. Blessings to you Joy. Thank you for sharing such a touching story.

  4. What a great and touching story. Thanks Joy.

    Send me your email and I'll send you directions on getting rid of your word verification... My email is

  5. That is a great story you shared joy!Thanks again for your another inspirational story. Anyway happy,happy birthday.You look younger at your age.

  6. That's a touching story.
    She's sounds so lovely with a big & generous heart. What a beautiful pasalubong =)

  7. thanks for sharing this. you are also a blessing to this lady!

  8. You are also a blessing to us for sharing this heart warming post.
    Thanks Joy! :)

  9. lovely photos..nice post Joy..thanks sa visit..take care..

    best regards from me and my blogs.

    See The World
    Travel Euroasia
    Europe Travel Pad
    Countryside Trip
    Travel Snapshots


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