
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Brainstorming tags!

Wondering what I mean with my title? Well, a sweet lady Mhie Lee from "" tagged me. At first I was also confused because I did not know what she meant, until I read her post " Facts about Travelentz and 11 questions.

And this is how it goes:

To those who are tagged, please do the following rules:

* Post 11 random info/ things about you.
* Post answers to the questions being tagged to you.
* Make 11 questions for the people you tag to answer.

Well, I really need brainstorming to answer her questions  and to know what questions I should ask to those I will tag.
Instead of seeing this as a difficult task, I can look positively about it. Why?

1. It gives me an idea about what to post in my blog...hi hi
2. We can get to know more of each other.
3. And for the first time I can formulate questions to ask.
4. It enhance my brain cells:)

I will first  begin in answering her questions .

1. What is your greatest achievement in life?
Getting my college degree in my old age. It was not easy, when one has to work, study in another language and takes care of my family at the same time.

2. What could you do to help your parents?
Well, I am helping my mother by giving her monthly support. My father passed away in 1992.

3. Are you a family person?
Yes, I love being with my family. Sad thing is I don't have the possibility to be with them all the time because of the distance and my husband is a sailor. But I love being at home.

4. What is your top priority in life?
My relationship with God and with my family.

5. Do you regret anything you've done in the past?
Yes, many things, but I do learned a lesson from them:)

6. What kind of travel do you like?
Everything: city tour, beach, country. But not being in a museum.

7.What is the best gift that you recieved?
God's gift of salvation.

8. What would you sacrifice for your family?

9. What is your favourite dish?
Actually, I don't have no favourites, coz I love meat, fish and vegetables .

10. Why do you blog?
It makes my life richer, more meaningful and I get to know a lot of nice people. Can travel places through other blogs . And it is educational. Can be a part of other people's lives in a positive way. Blogging inspires me and hope I can also inspire someone.

11. What do you want to learn as a hobby?

And then my questions to those I will tag. Hope they find it interesting too:)

1. Define God...
2. What makes you happy?
3. What makes you sad?
4. Who inspires you?
5. If you can do something to change the world, what would it be?
6. What makes you afraid?
7.  Do you have a dream/ dreams that are not yet fulfilled?
8. What is the greatest lesson that you have learned in life?
9. Define love....
10. What /who is the most important for you in life?
11. Why do you blog?

And I am tagging these questions to:

1. Kalokang buhay ng isang Pinay
2. BelovedBomber
3. Mitchi Photostory
4. Blog ni ako
5. Spanish Pinay
6. Karla
7. Daisy girl
9. No Spam, No virus, No Kiddin'!
10. Spiritual Sundays
11. Pinay Travel Snapshots

I tagged  11 bloggers since we started in that number. I hope its ok for everybody:)

Wow! I am in the last part now. 11 things about myself........

1. I love creating things with my hands, read and write.
2. Love to make other people laugh.
3. Afraid of dogs, snakes and horses.
4. I prefer to read a book than to walk and exercise.
5. I am always on time and don't like waiting.
6. I just have to do something every minute of my time.
7. I am a believer and really depending on God in every area of my life.
8. I am easily hurt, but also quick to forgive.
9. I am a talkative person, not a very good listener. But I am trying:)
10. Not fond of driving a car.
11. I am still learning how to swim.

That's for now:) Good luck to those I tagged. Looking forward to read your post then!



  1. pareho tayo, not a fan of museums. haha pero kung open areas like muang boran, go ako! =)

  2. Thanks for thinking of me :)

    Like mother, like daughter haha michi doesn't like waiting too... naku, if ever we get to meet, I have to watch out for this. I am miss late! :-O

    Spanish Pinay

  3. Always on time din ako pero nakakapagpasensya pa pag late yung kasama. hehehe! Thanks for tagging me! you're the 3rd one who tagged me. Naku pano ko kaya sasagutin lahat ang dami. hehehe!

  4. Popular ka kasi Anney. hi hi

  5. Hi Joy! Thank you for doing it. I really appreciate and nakilala din kita kunti through this tagging style.I like all your answers thanks for sharing.I could relate all your answers, especially in my # 3 questions about family. I was raised my mom is away because my mom needs to go in other country to be a nanny so 4 of us my brothers and sister could continue our University.They gave us a good life but then we don't understand before why? Today I'm a mom I do my best I could give to my daughter like my mom did for us.I know you're a great mom, time will come you'll be reunited.Hirap malayo di vah, homesick ako parati.

  6. Tatak norwegian talaga tong si mommy joy, always on time hehehe


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