
Monday, August 17, 2020

A wonderful day


The sun is shining here and I have just been to the store to buy some food and autumn plants. My summer flowers have capitulated… just almost like me.
Now I have planted two pieces in a pot and hope they survive in my hands.

Since I did not take a strong sleeping pill the other night, I had almost no sleep.
But last night I slept because I took a strong sleeping pill. It also has after-effects, but at least I managed to do something. After washing the bathroom, I made dinner for myself and my husband.
Recipe from a home magazine. Very good. Sunday dinner.

After dinner, I showered and went to the congregation's barbecue day. A little bit cold. It was not much sun, but there was a concert and a lot of barbecue, various salads and cakes. Nice people too. So the day has been nice.

Today's words and prayer:

Dearest amazing Father. I thank You that Your ears hear our prayers. And Your answers come in Your appointed time.

Help us to wait patiently with joy in our hearts because no matter what happens, we are under Your care.
I thank You for all Your many blessings. Both seen and unseen. Glory be to Thy name. In Jesus name. Amen.

Do you have special plans today?
Have you already bought autumn plants?
Have a nice day.

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Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.