
Thursday, January 3, 2019

Basic physics

Basic physics
It said that every action has an equal reaction. It means that we reap what we sow.
 So, what are we planting in the field of life? Life or death? Inspiration or discouragement? Joy or grief? Love or hate?  Are we a giver or  taker?
What kind of feedback are we getting from people around us….from God?

Prayer for everyone:
Dear God, I pray that whatever we say, it must be in line with Your Words. Whatever we do, let it be your way of doing things. I pray that we will avoid the path of the wicked because it leads to misery and death. Let us see the dangers ahead…. danger of sins….fiery darts from the enemy.
 Help us to be humble in all our ways. Fear You because it brings wealth and healing for our souls. Everywhere we go Lord, make us sow love, peace, joy, goodness and inspiration. I thank you that we can have the confidence to smile on every storm because You the most powerful and strongest God ride with us through the storms.  I thank You that with we can climb mountains of challenges because You provide for the strength that we need. You quench our thirst for living water.
With You Oh God, we can be brave, be bold and be the one you had created us to be. We have victory at hand because You already had overcome the world and You are our Savior. Praise be Thy Holy name. Amen

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