
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Temporary or eternal!

Temporary or eternal...
There are so many fantastic things to see created by men in this world.
 Arts, buildings, modern technologies...
it seems that there is no limit of expanding and creating new things.
But how wonderful everything might be...they will all one day decay and be no more.
Dear God in heaven,
I thank You that although our bodies will decay one day here on earth ...
You will give us a new one that will never be decayed.
Beauty that will never fade away.
Thank You that our life with You will never come to an end.
So I pray that we hold tightly to what is eternal and loosely to what is temporal.
Hebrews 12: 28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe...
So here in my place, it is raining for days now....
Makes me stay at home and be creative!
This is a crocheted pink bunny
Pink elephant

 Knitted wool slipper

Baked rolls with cheese, ham and leek

Wishing you a sunny day and send sunshine here!


  1. Amen to your prayer!

    While you are getting rain, we are getting a heatwave. it is about 30 Celsius today (inland) and a little less by the water. Earlier this week we were supposed to get rain but didn't get much. I love the downpour every now and then in summer so I can cut down on watering the garden with a hose ;-)

    Your baked goods and knitted items look lovely. enjoy your weekend. xx

    1. I suppose we couldn't have everything we want Joyful, but I am still very thankful rain or not:)

  2. Ha ha! :-) Your knitting is fantastic! That elephant is really lovely, and that pink bunny is really ... sweet. Ha ha! I like your sense of humor.

    But you start your blogpost with an important message. Let me join you in that prayer of yours, confident the promises given by prophets and by Jesus is true.

    1. It should have been "are true". My English is terrible!

    2. Thank you so much Anders:)
      I love creating things and magnifying God and His creations:)
      My English is not good too:)

  3. It is awesome that one day we will have perfected bodies... that is what will be eternal... lovely prayer Joy xox ♡

  4. texas has sun and heat this week after almost a month and a half of almost steady rains. your blooms are beautiful with the raindrops. :)

    1. So nice that sun came for a visit TexWisGirl to you. Send some here:)

  5. I love your knitting and crochet work, Joy, and your rain photos are gorgeous! Lovely prayer, dear friend.

  6. Lovely are the knitted items and the food too at the end of the post looks enticing : )

    1. Thanks Edgar. The bread rolls was very delicious:)

  7. I like your crochet and knitting. Guess you have to do something when it rains for too long...

    1. Thanks whiteangel! Yes, had to use my hands to do something I like:)

  8. I hope the sun is coming soon in Norway! Love your elephant. So sweet.

  9. Bom domingo, diversidade bela e perfeita na apresentação.

  10. Really nice, thanks for sharing!

  11. Love how you've captured those stunning colours, Joy! xoxo

  12. You are creative in every sense! Baking, knitting, photograpy...

  13. Great combo of fun, here in your post.

  14. Thank you for sharing this good reminder about the temporary and eternal. Its a girl bunny and a girl elephant! Your baked rolls makes me hungry.

  15. The flowers are beautiful. I love that pink elephant.

    I also took two of those rolls. They look yummy.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  16. Oh how lovely is the handiwork of your hands Joy and beautiful prayer. We are experience heat and sun here although some parts are impacted by flooded river.

  17. Dear Joy, Thank you for visiting me; I love your blog! Love your heart attitude of praise and love for our Lord. You've got some beautiful flowers and your hand crafts are so cute.
    Hugs, Noreen

  18. Thus, we have to value things and and be thankful of them while we have it. Same with our skills we have to use it and share while we're able to do it.

  19. Hi Joy! I hope the sun finally peeked it's head out of the clouds for you? At least you can be joyful in your quiet time at home. I love your crocheted animals! So cute :)
    I hope your rain will bring many more beautiful flowers for you to photograph!

  20. kumusta..minsan na rin lang mag blog pagkatapos ng bagyong yolanda...ganun pa man naiisip ko pa rin kayo na naging bahagi ng blog ko...nakakamiss din ang pag blog palagi pero may mas importante na pinagkakaabalahan na para sa totoong buhay, totoong mundo....

  21. These are really pretty things, especially those flowers with mildew. :)

  22. Hi Joy, you are very creative with lots of skills.


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.