
Saturday, May 30, 2015

What we don't need!


      Yes, we are bombarded everyday with all the stuffs that the producers wanted us to buy and they make us believe that we need all those things. Then most of us get tempted and buy stuffs that are not necessary and can live without. 


      Maybe you are a person that always want the latest gadget or newest fashion clothes all the time? But is it really the essence of life? How wonderful would that be if we can roam around the shop malls  and be happy that we don't need all the things that are sale!

       Father God, help us to be wise in our spending, more generous in our giving to others, and more sacrificial with the resources that You had given us. May we be content of Your everyday blessings. Let us aim instead to accumulate more of Your wisdom, goodness and knowledge to live a happy life in this confused and materialistic world. 

      ‪#‎Devotion‬ Read 1 Timothy 6:6-11

     Food for the eyes

     Today, we were blessed by a very nice weather here in my place. My plan was to invite some friends for a tour, but no one was available. My husband is onbord the ship again, so he was not available too:) so after cleaning the house and baking a cake, I decided to take my car and went for a drive myself.
    I found a place to hike in a tour guide, but since I haven't been there before, I was not sure if I would find the place. But, I is you and me then God.
    Well, I want to share to you  first the pictures along the road! I stopped by many times to take some pictures:)


    This was the place where I started my walk. I was going to find the angel that was printed in the sign.

    To be continued in my next post!...
    How about you guys? Have you been out today?


  1. Beautiful scenery, Joy. Not much different to where I liver here in Norway, Maine USA. I am in the foothills of the Apalachain Mountains with long winding roads and gorgeous mountain views and lots of lakes all around. We moved here from the city down in Massachusetts about 10 years ago and I still feel like I am on vacation. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos.

  2. What a beautiful country is Norway. I enjoy the mountains in the picture. The Netherlands has no real mountains. Today I have not been on the road. I've been gardening! Little sun, little rain. We have low hedges, which had to be cut back. That was a job for my husband (with electric hedge trimmer). I cleaned up the garden waste.

  3. How gorgeous, Joy!!! Your photos are amazing! Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  4. The scenery is so beautiful and the weather looks perfect for such an outing. I agree that it is best if we don't spend on all our wants and keep our needs simple. Every day I am striving to do just that. Sometimes I have greater success but one thing I've managed to do is spend much less on things for me and for the house as I only buy on sale. Very seldom spend the full price on anything. It gives me pleasure to know I am steward of the funds God has given me and it helps me to help others more. I think that is our true purpose here until the Lord returns. He wants us to use our talents, our gifts, our funds that he gives us to reach others before his return. God bless you dear Joy. I pray that the time your husband is away you will have many beautiful things to occupy your time. xx

  5. Your photographs are very pretty, Joy. Glad you are enjoying nice weather. It is very hot here in Georgia today. I have been inside where it is cooler!

  6. Good on you for going on your own i have done that also. Great to see the country side where you live....thanks for sharing.

  7. Oh, how I love your pictures. You live in a very beautiful area of God's earth. I also enjoyed the words of your devotion, we do need to strive to be better stewards of what God has given us. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

  8. Wow! Gorgeous pictures! God really is amazing to be able to create such a marvelous world.

    The Pink Lemonade Girl

  9. Thank you, Joy for the generous sharing of the beautiful flowers and breath-taking country side pictures. They make beautiful postcards photos.

  10. Gorgeous photos and excellent post. ❤

  11. Even though it was hot and humid -- thunderstorms tonight -- I got out today. Not as pretty as your beautiful photos, but I enjoyed walking around New York City. Wish I could have gone walking with you!


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.