
Tuesday, May 19, 2015


      Have you experienced being in a shipwreck? Maybe not, but it can also happen to us without being on a ship. Our souls can deteriorate from the currents of this world which can lead to devastation. We slowly drifted away from the safe course and by the time we know it, we are facing an iceberg and needed to be saved.

      If we had the chance to know the Savior...we should give careful attention to His what we had learned so we can navigate to the safe shore. The compass of God's Word will keep us from a spiritual shipwreck.

      Prayer: I thank You Oh God for being our Savior and hope. Our anchor. You are full of mercy, grace, and peace. Free for the giving to those who ask and trust. Let us be firm and stay on course. Devote ourselves to You Oh God to advance Your work. Work in love, with a pure heart and a clear conscience. Be sincere in our faith in You. Thank You, Lord, for the strength. For You are trustworthy. For Your grace that was poured on us abundantly. Help us to keep Your words so that we can fight the storms and high waves along the voyage. Lead us to Your safe haven.
       I pray in Jesus' name. Amen

      Now, I am sharing some pictures from our mountain hike last Saturday!

      The name of the mountain is Tønnølsfjellet. 375 meter above sea level. Six kilometers to hike upwards! 

      Tønnølsfjellet is a beautiful mountain range with small picturesque water and fine lookout points. Built on the plateau located wreckage of a German plane that crash-landed there during WW2.

      The beginning of our hike!

      Sharing more pictures to my next blogpost!
      Have you been to a mountain hike lately? Did you like it?


  1. Hi Joy, A beautiful prayer you have shared this morning. Thanks for sharing the photos from your hike. So much beauty all around you.

    1. You are welcome Mildred! Wishing you a nice week!

  2. Hi Joy... lovely and heartfelt prayer... it's true we can become lost easily by walking down the wrong path... it's not as easy to get back on, it takes a strong desire... xox

    The pictures are awesome, hiking is so good for us both physically and emotionally ♡

    1. Thanks Launna! Yes, hiking is the best medicine for body, soul and spirit!

  3. I loved the pictures from your hike in the mountains and your beautiful prayer. Have a great rest of the week... :)

  4. Nice prayer words.. What a lovely climb, wonderful tone able to do that...

    1. Thanks White angel. Yes, we loved the mountain climbing:)

  5. A beautiful sharing on shipwrecked and prayer. I have not been on a mountain hike before and yours looks like a tough hike.

    1. Thanks Nancy! It was tough, but I loved it!

  6. I guess we all get shipwrecked from time to time..I hope today is not the day..

  7. Yes, at times we do get shipwrecked but we hopefully arrive back to where we need to be at. Very beautiful photos Joy. Thank you. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Good that we don't need to stay to be broken Paul...we do need to be made whole again!

  8. I loved your thoughts on shipwreck and the prayer you added to it. So encouraging that we have an Anchor that can keep us from shipwreck, if we will only stay on His course! The photos are just beautiful! Wow, you do an amazing job. I am always encouraged by coming by here...thank you so much for being who you are and for your obedience to our Lord. Much love to you. :)

    1. Thanks Cheryl that I can encouraged you too!

  9. I loved your thoughts on shipwreck and the prayer you added to it. So encouraging that we have an Anchor that can keep us from shipwreck, if we will only stay on His course! The photos are just beautiful! Wow, you do an amazing job. I am always encouraged by coming by here...thank you so much for being who you are and for your obedience to our Lord. Much love to you. :)

  10. What beautiful pictures! A perfect day for a hike! You are blessed that you are able to do this, and I know you realize that! The picture of that old sinking ship is a good illustration of what can happen if we leave our Master.

    1. Thanks Ginny! Yes, I am lucky who are able to do this things yet!

  11. The BEST prayer - thank you! Thank you for that, and for those lovely photos!

  12. Such a beautiful and inspiring post.

  13. I've only been on one boat, luckily it got to both ways safely


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