
Monday, May 25, 2015

Growing up!

Hello everyone! How was your day? 
About me then, I was busy..busy. Last Saturday, I was invited by Jolly, a friend of mine to the Confirmation of her youngest daughter. Anne Kristine is her name and she is the young girl in the picture below together with her father, the priest and her mother.

Below is a picture of Anne Kristine with her family and relatives. Not all of them, because she has two more brothers that were not in the picture and of course more relatives.

 Here in Norway, Confirmation  is a big event for the 15 years olds because it is the day that they will be celebrating their transition from being a child to young grown up. They will be receiving gifts, for the mostly money and the sum can be very huge for them.  There are different methods to do it. Some do it in church as a confirmation  of their baptism, like Anne Kristine did with family and friends. Some do it privately...those who don't believe in God. Just a transition from being a child to being a grown up. But still they  make a big celebration of it.

This is a Catholic Confirmation since Anne Kristine's family is Catholics. But the ceremony was very nice, as a visitor said later..we have  a lot to learn from the ceremony.

Anyway, fast - forward to the celebration.. This was the place for the celebration. There were so many guests that were invited.

Me and  Camilla, a friend. She too was from the Philippines.

And for the foods! A typical Philippine's cuisine. We call it lechon in our own language where we grilled the whole suckling pig. 

But there were more. My friend Jolly the mother of Anne Kristine prepared lot's of Philippine's foods to our delight. The Norwegians love the foods too!

Some of the happy guest from different countries like Philippines, America and Brazil!

Ladies from the Philippines, that includes me!

Wanida to the left was from Thailand, Camilla from the Philippines and Ann Helen is a Norwegian

 The gift table. Like I said, mostly the guests gives money, that is why there were plenty of cards with money inside on the table.

The younger ones, I think they are so sweet!

 The traditional kranse kake ( wreath cake) which is served for this kind of celebration in Norway, weddings or birthdays.

The best of all the cakes. 

Last picture of Anne Kristine with her friends and the cake table.

 Ending this post with "Food for the soul!"

Our ways...or God's ways...

Selfie....selfie...selfie! Have we ever think how many times we lift ourselves up and put God in the background? How many times that we chose to be in other places than with the presence of God? We do things our way...not God's way. Do we feel fulfilled then of doing things apart from God? Where is our true happiness? Is there a place for God in our lives? Are we interested in knowing Him and exploring His kingdom? Or is He just the one we call when we needed help? 
Whatever the reason...God said that unless He builds the house..they labor in vain who build it. Psalm 127: 1
Quote from Adams
* Life is wasted, useless, and of no avail
Unless we're living daily for the Lord;
Let's pledge ourselves anew to living godly, Anything less we simply can't afford.*

- God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with Him. 

Dear God, I pray for each and every one of us to seek first Your kingdom and its righteousness. In doing so, You will provide everything for us. I pray that You will be lifted up in our lives. Less selfie and more of You. Let our hearts hunger for Your presence. Thirst after Thy word. Be one with You in spirit and in truth. I pray in Jesus name. Amen


  1. Hi Joy, what a beautiful post with a much needed prayer. I wish Anne Kristine a beautiful and blessed life. She is a lovely young lady.

  2. What a wonderful celebration and that buffet table looks so delicious. I agree that putting God first is important. Part of the reason I take the time each morning to read my bible, is to get my heart and mind in sync with God and renew the sense that I am the follower and not the one in charge.

  3. What a beautiful post Joy. Yes this young girls are growing into beautiful women. I can remember my own confirmation. I am Catholic and when I was in grade 8 that was when my friends & I were confirmed in the church. It was beautiful and after my parents had a party at their home with many relatives. Yes, I also received many gifts. Even though I'm 65 years of age, I can still remember that special day and have some photos though black & white. Thank you for the photos of that special day. Congratulation Anne Kristine for being confirmed. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  4. What a beautiful celebration. Very international guests and looks like everyone had a great time! The Kranse kake looks so yummy :-) Congratulations to Anne Kristine on her confirmation!

  5. What a wonderful celebration of becoming a woman. And the food. Wow.

    Have a fabulous day Joy. ☺

  6. Thank you for sharing this joyful day with us. And thank you for food for the soul. Every word has meaning for me.

  7. She is such a lovely young lady. May God richly bless her. Such beautiful clothing and the food looks so delicious, especially the wreath cake.

  8. I enjoyed your post, Joy, showing the traditional Norwegian confirmation celebration. There was a veritable United Nations of countries represented in her guest list! That cake table - wow!

  9. Lovely prayer Joy... we certainly need to remember our Heavenly Father first and not just when we need help... very good reminder ♡ xox

  10. I don't think we have confirmations that common here in the united states. I know Jewish people have a similar custom with the bar mitzvah

  11. what a beautiful day . Love all the lovely photos and can see the joy reflected in everyone's face

  12. It looks like a wonderful time! Lovely photos. :) Beautiful prayer.

  13. It looks like a wonderful time! Lovely photos. :) Beautiful prayer.

  14. What a lovely event!

  15. Wow. What a huge and joyous celebration. Everyone looks so happy, which is lovely to see.

  16. I must say a lot of celebration after the Confirmation. We do not have that here when Confirmed.
    The little children are beautiful...

  17. Hi Joy, visiting first time,
    I am celebrating my First Blog Anniversary-
    There is a event and a give away. Please join, it is open for everybody.

  18. Hi Joy! What a fun celebration! It's interesting to learn that it's such an important feast for people in Norway. That cake looks like a tower of sweet rolls. Yum!!
    The blue vest is so pretty, and I see that Anna and some of her friends wore the same design. Is that something everyone generally does? So many people at this happy occasion. What a blessing :) And so many countries represented too. I'm so glad you had this reason to celebrate.

    1. It was a joyful celebration Ceil. The Girls were wearing national dresses in Norway which they calls" Bunad" and especially use for big occassions like this one.
      Thanks for the Nice comment Ceil!

  19. Those smile tell us all we need to know! Lovely celebration.


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.