
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Good and bad laughter

    Good and bad laughter!
    I must admit that I am a person that likes to spread laughter around me. My real name is Ligaya and it  means joy or happy actually. They say that laughter is the best medicine and I am totally agree with that. But laughter can hurt too if we laugh at other's misfortune or for wrong reasons. God is not please of any humor that belittles people or make light of immorality. Sin is not a joke!

    So help us God to discern between good and bad humors. Do not let us indulge or be with people who likes to make fun of less fortunate people. Let us laugh for the right reasons and about the right things.
    * Laughter is like music
    That lingers in the heart
    And when its melody is heard
    The ills of life depart.- Anon
    Remember: Wholesome laughter has great value! 
    # Devotion for the day. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

    So again, I will continue to share pictures from our hike in Tønnølsfjellet. ( Tønnøls mountain)

     A long way to go

    Until my next post.


  1. I absolutely agree. Laughing at other people for their misfortunes is very bad. Although some people still do.

    Great photos! I love 'em.

  2. So beautiful, Joy. Yes, you are absolutely correct. Lovely photos too.

  3. Amen, Joy, I agree totally! Your photos are gorgeous. Laughing WITH people is good, but laughing AT people is a horrible thing. When I was in school I got laughed at all the time. I was called horrible names like "stupid", "retarded", and it is a terrible thing to experience.

    1. What a terrible thing that happened to you Linda. People should learn to love people and laugh at them!

  4. I like your idea about laughter . You are
    right , laughter has its own share of upside and downside : )

    1. Indeed Edgar! A great reminder for all of us!

  5. Didn't the Lord say that even with our enemies, He doesn't want us to wish them ill things nor laugh at their misfortunes? Hi there. Thank you for leaving an encouraging comment at my site. I appreciate it. But the glory to the Lord Who gives each of us different talents and I believe when we discern where He wants us to be, that's how small lights that reflect His get scattered in this world. I love the sceneries you shared! So beautiful. May you always be strong in the Lord's power! God bless.

    1. Yes RCUBES! In fact, we should love our enemies. That is God's command.
      Thanks for dropping by and your honest comment!

  6. Lovely photos of your hike.
    I too like a good old laugh, for the right reasons

    1. Thanks whiteangel. Good thing is that we all agree with that:)

  7. I like the 1st photo with the mountain, sky and water in one. We all enjoy good laughter to relax ourselves but we have to beware of the bad laughter too!

    1. Thanks Nancy and yes, we have to be aware what we are laughing about!

  8. Yes, humor is subjective but laughing at someone else's misfortune is just plain wrong.

    The Pink Lemonade Girl

  9. Hello, very useful post.

    A good laughter at a joke certainly is good for health. As you said when we laugh at people we are sinning. It is normally a habit to make fun of people and laugh. This is not good.

    There are laughing clubs in India where people gather together and simply laugh loudly because it is good for health.

    Best wishes

    1. Yes, laughing for good reasons is good for the soul Joseph!

  10. What glorious views!! Such beauty! I have never seen pine cones quite like this. So my favorites today are the pine cones and the beautiful second picture of the water and mountains. Is that a river, a lake? Last night at church, we were talking about Sarah and her husband laughing when they were old and were told they would have a baby. It was just so impossible that they had to laugh. But with God, all things are possible.

    1. The water from the far distance is a sea, on the mountain are the lakes Ginny!
      Yes, people can laugh at wrong reasons sometimes and that can have bad consequences!


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.