
Sunday, April 12, 2015

The narrow road!

Prayer for you and me:

Dear Lord, I pray that we will walk

 into the road that You prepared for us
no matter how narrow it is.
The road can be bumpy, 

lots of hindrances,

 temptation along the way,

 and the road is unpopular, 

but help us Lord 

to walk in love and purity. 

Talk clean talks.

 Be thankful under all circumstances. 

I pray that we will not be deceieved of empty words.
Be obedient no matter what. 

Be the light unto our paths Lord. 

Let us also walk as children of Light. 

Let Your goodness, righteousness and truth 

be seen in us.

 I pray that we will not have fellowship with the works of darkness.

 Impart to us the wisdom to know the truth 

and to understand Your will Oh God. 

I pray in Jesus name.


  1. Beautiful and inspiring post, Joy. Thank you so much for this.

  2. Amen.

    Wow! Beautiful pic. Love that it's so green and sunny. Thanks for dropping by my blog - do hop over again, always welcome.

  3. Amen. Thanks a lot for these words of wisdom :)

  4. Amen. A powerful and inspiring prayer for all.

  5. Amen. Something we all should pray for.

    Thanks for coming by to visit. I feel close to God when I am in nature.

  6. What a wonderful prayer! It is really something to think and ponder about. And it really fits your beautiful picture. I hope you have a lovely and restful Sunday..

  7. Beautiful prayer. I'm praying this too. : )

  8. Hi Joy! I am walking a very narrow path these days. I am very nervous about where Jesus wants me to go, so I really appreciate your prayer. And what a beautiful photo to illustrate the walk. I hope I choose the correct turns too!

  9. Following the path that laid for us is very difficult. There are plenty of temptations along the way. The Devil is always there to trip us. But God is with us that's why there's hope.

  10. Hi Joy, this is a good prayer :)
    The pictures are really beautiful. As usual this post too is awesome. You are a very positive person and every time I go through your posts, blog comments, G plus I feel the uplifting energy emanating.
    Already shared by G plus and twitter :)


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.