
Monday, April 6, 2015

Canyon Cove

Since I was in the Philippines last march, my birthday month I decided to treat my family a trip to Canyon Cove. My youngest daughter and her family had been there, so they suggested the place. Almost 3-4 hours drive from where I stayed but it was worth 

                                          This is the entrance

We rent a hut to protect us from the sun!

The happy grandma

The kids couldn't wait to play in the sand.

Picture taking for the oldies first.

Enjoying the seawater...

Me and my oldest grandson Jan Andrei

At last my two daughters with their their families arrived. They were late because the gps in their car stopped working ( bad internet connections) and they drove another longer way to find this place.

At last the kids are together 

                                         Lunch time!

      I borrowed my sister's grandchild. She is so sweet! 

Kids enjoying the pool
Zyrish my third grandchild, Angeline my niece and Ethan my fifth grandchild.

Some pictures of the place.

I really enjoyed my birthday celebration there. Two days before my birthday.

                                        Bye for now!


  1. ganda ng mga shots at ng place din ... belated happy Birthday Ms. Joy ... God bless you always

  2. As always, the waters are tempting. I've never been there, my Dad was and it's a nice place according to him. Thanks for sharing po Ms. Joy.

  3. I am so glad you got to visit with all the family. Your grandchildren are adorable!!!

  4. Wonderful photos, fun, this place looks really paradise !!

    1. Thanks Leovi. It was a psradise to me too;)

  5. This was delightful :)
    Beautiful pictures!

  6. Thank you very much! Best wishes for you!

  7. Never been there and I am sure that you enjoyed the place because you were with your family. How nice to meet your children and grandchildren.

    1. I did Jonathan. Awesome place to spend my vacation:)

  8. Hi Joy! What wonderful memories you are making for your children and grandchildren! And it's great that your sister could be with you too. There's just nothing like family is there? A truly memorable time in the sun :)

    1. Thanks Ceil. I really enjoyed my family time in the Philippines;)

  9. Looks like a gorgeous place!

  10. What a fantastic post, Joy! It looks like a great place to relax, to enjoy, and to spend time with good friends and family, or even alone, just being. Beautiful, I enjoyed seeing all your photos, thank you so much for sharing.

  11. Belated happy birthday Mommy Joy. Looks like you and your family had a grand time in the beach.

  12. I enjoyed the pictures it looks like a lovely place to take a vacation. thanks for sharing..

  13. You all look like a family that enjoys one another! Love the fun pics and I felt like I was right there splashing in the water with you! Beautiful children and grandchildren.

  14. Ang ganda pala dyan Ms Joy! Di pa ako nakapunta :)

    I was really happy seeing your pics having so much fun with your family. I'm sure you enjoyed your vacation here :)

  15. Beautiful !
    Anyways, belated birthday wishes :)
    Looks like this is a cool place to have fun. Look at the smiling kids, cute ladies and the wonderful scenery !
    Great post, Joy :) Shared this via Google plus and twitter. Thank you for the cool comments and plusones. You are awesome !
    Have a fabulous week ahead !

  16. Yes, you were a Happy Grandma for sure... I know how much you love being with your wonderful family. What fun all of you must have had at Canyon Cove... Great place for families!!!!!

    Wonderful pictures, Joy.

  17. O, what a nice photos. I love the name of one of the kids: Aerith. ( my real name is Aritha ).
    Joy thanks for sharing this pictures.


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.