
Saturday, February 7, 2015


Hello everyone! It is me again blogging once again and sharing some unusual pictures to you from my last visit to the city of Stavanger.
This was inside of the hospital where me and my older sister visited our younger sister.

I wonder who is the prettiest? She was turned into a stone. Just joking:)

Summer inside?

It seems that this statue lost his chance to speak and to move!

A king?

Look at the vines..they are growing on the building's wall

I was happy though that this crocodile was not alive.

Sweet, isn't it?

In this place they use the building's wall to park their car.

another statue..forgot to see who he was

Horse riding in town?

The new in fashion

Want some veggies?

Fairy tale figures

Hey! Take it easy...we are in town!

Welcome to the seventh heaven shop ( Syvende himmel)

Leaving you these words:

How about doing today what we are capable of doing...maybe we can surprise ourselves! We strive for the best and we will get the best in life!
Have a wonderful day friends.


  1. All are great but it's the car on the wall which is very memorable. Lots of fun captures Joy.

  2. Wow så mange flotte og artige skulpturer og kunst, det er mye kreativitet og se bare en har øynene med seg og det har jo du Joy.
    Det er lenge siden jeg var i Stavanger men det er en flott by synes jeg.
    God helg.

  3. My aunt married someone from Stavanger decades ago so it was fun to see pictures of the place. Thanks for taking us along, Joy!

  4. What a great series - I really like the different sculptures.

  5. All pictures are fun to look at , enjoyed the lovely post :)

  6. Beautiful photos, Joy, and you look lovely in all the photos you share of yourself, too. :)

  7. my favorite is the crocodile one

  8. I really enjoyed all the photos, Joy.

    Have a great weekend .

    1. Thanks Margie and I wish you a nice week ahead!

  9. Hope your sister is feeling better §:o)


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.