
Saturday, February 21, 2015

A need!

Today's prayer for you and me:

Dear God,
 I pray that whenever we see a need,
 we will not be reluctant to help. 
To lend a helping hand. 
Be a good example like You did.
 I pray that we will not be afraid to launch out into the deep,
 or climb on top of a mountain,
no matter how hard it can be. 
I pray that we will continue to be obedient,
 although we don't see any results.
 We might fail many times, 
but thank You for new chances You gives every day. 
At the end, the outcome will be great. 

I pray that we will share the blessings that You provides for us
 and that we will remain humble in all that we achieved. 
Thank You for Your amazing works.
 We don' need to be afraid 
because You whom we follow knows the way.


1 comment:

Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.