
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Being creative!

Hello everyone! We are in the middle of the week again and time goes so fast when one has a lot of things to do. And I am privileged to be given the chance to do what makes me happy

How about you? What have you been doing lately that made you happy?

This week, I have been to water aerobic and a dance group as an exercise for my body. 

In my spare time I make stuffed toys as you can  see sold to the activity center where I work.

This is Sigurd the sheep

This is Ulrika Uglvin

I baked this to be served to the elderly

I made cards of my photos. There are some of them.

Ending this post with a quote.

No one arrive from being talented alone. God gives talent;
work transforms talent into genius.
Anna Pavlova


  1. I love the stuffed toys and cards, Joy. You are very talented.

  2. Surely you are very talented and ceative Joy : )

  3. Why can't I be talented like you, these toys are just awesome :)

  4. Oh em gee the sheep is so cute! I want one! Good timing too because it's the year of the sheep. To answer your question Mami Joy, the thing that I've been doing lately that makes me happy is going to the gym.

  5. That owl is adorable!


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.