
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Are you a bird watcher?

This is my younger sister Lida. Me and our older sister visited her when she was in the hospital.

Here she is now, enjoying every moment of her life whenever she can.

Anyway, when we were there, I took lots of  pictures especially of the birds coz it was fun to watch them 
living their own lives in the middle of the city of Stavanger.


Are we not friends?

Just enjoying the day

Oh! It is cold out there

Maybe, I will give it a try t swim today

Hey! Are you cold?

Can you find a partner for me too?

I believe we stay on the ground

Having a picnic?

Did you notice the reflection in the water?

Birds that flock together stay together

Are you a bird watcher? Do you gaze at them with amazement? 
So is God. But He is more than a mere observer who marvels at what He had made. Rather He knows the feeds, and constantly watches over all His creatures. 

Jesus said: Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not valuable tham they? Matthew 6:26

Dear God, thank you that you care for every creature that You made. Let us then appreciate everything that you created. Let us also appreciate ourselves as You do. Help us to remember how precious we are in your sight in the midst of the battles in life. I pray in Jesus name.


Linking to Tell me a true story

Tell Me a Story


  1. Joy, I really enjoyed this. Our pond here was frozen last week and the geese were resting on the ice. I wanted to put little socks and shoes on their cold feet (ha ha)

  2. Joy, your photos are lovely. I have always been a bird watcher and thoroughly enjoy their company. Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. Most of the birds flyaway by time I get my camera

  4. Beautiful birds, I liked the captions too )

  5. I am fond of birds also and love watching them glide up in the air especially the Eagles who is a comparison to our God .They are a marvelous work of our great
    God. Congrats to your sister also.

  6. We don't have such beautiful birds where I live, but we do have sparrows. I look out my kitchen window and can see them pecking where our garden was this past summer. They have favorite spots on our house, the porch eves, a place near the drain pipe to build their nests. It is fun to watch God's creations enjoy life. Thank you Joy, for sharing with us at Tell me a True Story."

  7. I also am a bird watcher and listener, remembering frequently these beautiful words of Jesus. I find it very relaxing to stop and deliberately listen for the birds, enjoying the goodness which is around us all the time.

  8. I am indeed a lover of birds and watching them. I have many feeders in my garden....Diane

  9. love the beauty of your pictures Joy. And me...yep - love watch birds.

  10. Hello Joy,

    Lovely photos and very interesting write ups.

    The quote from the Bible is fabulous.

    Best wishes

  11. Hi Joy! Is your sister ill? I hope not.
    We do have bird feeders now at my house. I have come to bird-watching late! I love seeing them all feeding, and love to see different types and sizes. God is so creative! He pours himself into something as small as a bird. Imagine what he does for us!
    I hope I can always be in awe of his creations. Lovely pictures you took!

  12. What wonderful shots of sister and birds. I do hope she's feeling better.


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.