
Sunday, January 18, 2015


Lately, I have been thinking about God's goodness. Actually, we can use the whole alphabet to describe God.  Then the best way is to begin with the A. 
So I began with letter A with this word:
God has abilities to many to count.
What does this word really mean to us?
In Oxford American dictionary, ability means:
1.The quality that makes an action or process possible, the capacity or power to do something. 
2. cleverness, talent
What kind of abilities do we have?
What do we do with them?

God says:   Don't let yours demenish!  

 Exodus 28:3 Tell all the skilled men, to whom I had given wisdom.

God is telling us to remind the skilled men whom God had given wisdom to use what they had received.

I can begin with myself, not that I see myself as a woman of wisdom. But God said, that if we lack wisdom, we should ask God and he will give us. So since I often asks God  for wisdom, then He must had given me something. I asks for wisdom not to bring glory to myself, but to God. It means that whatever he had given me, I have to use those gifts wisely, so that I won’t dishonor His name.

I am a kind of person that does not like to involve myself in politics and the politicians. I am pretty much in the background. I thought that I voted for them and I have to let them do their job and I do mine. Actually, I must be more aware of what they are doing because whatever decisions they are making affects everybody and that includes me too. So, it is a reminder for me not just to focus on myself, but to those skillled men in authority. See to it   that I can contribute to make the community a better place to live in.

 God says that we have responsibility to use them well.
All who are skilled among you are to come and make everything the Lord has commanded.
Exodus 35:10


Suppose you would say or I would say, I am not a skilled person. Really?

God has given everyone something to contribute. A skill learned in school, or with inborn talents. How do we use these resources? We have hands and feet that are functioning. We have a voice to speak.  I suppose God is telling us that whatever we have, can be useful to others and ourselves if we are willing to use them.

I am thinking of the elderly in the nursing home where I work. One can think that they cannot contribute anymore to the society because they are old. But wait, without them I and many more will be jobless. In fact, working with them teaches us to be patient, to show kindness. They reminds us that one day it will be us who will be needing help. In addition, many of them have so much wisdom to impart to us workers. They had lived lives different from this generation and through them, we are learning many things. If they can just give us a smile, it is enough to change our bad day or the other way around.

From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. Luke 12:48

Think about that! The more we have or got, the more we have to share! 
It made me think of people, including me wishing to have what others have of talents and skills. For example, I have a terrible voice and wished that God has given me a voice that one does not need to cover her/ his ears everytime I tried to sing. But, although I couldn't sing, I can talk. God can use my voice to inspire others, to comfort, to defend the helples and most especially to proclaim his love to others, if I let him use me. Maybe I can inspire too through what I write from the inspiration God gives me from His words.

How about you? What is your talent ( abilities) that can contribute to the people around you?

 God says that we should invest wisely what has been given to us.
To one He gave five talents of money, to another two talents and to another one talent, each according to his own ability. Matthew 25:15
  God has given to us what should be given to us, according to our abilities and  we should start with that! Anyway, anything we plant, if we take care of them, grows. Or if we give, it will be given to us in return a hundredfold. That is God's promise.

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully, administering God’s grace in it’s various forms. 1 Peter 4:10

God bless us so that we can be a blessing to others. For me it is like a love circle. You give love, you get love in return. Think how wonderful this world would be if we could just learn to love and understand each other. See others how God sees us!


But how about our ability to:
-love or hate?
-Forgive or not?
-help or do nothing?
-pray or be prayerless?
believe or be unbeliever?

What would we choose?
……choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve….as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:25

God has given us ability to I hope that we choose life!



  1. You have so much abilities Mommy Joy, aside from the things that you can do (knit, cook, etc) indeed you choose life and you choose to live it by God's will :)

  2. Everyone has each own unique abilities ... we should cultivate and enhance each abilities and put it to good use especially in Gods favor.

  3. Joy, great post. I try to use my abilities and am very thankful to God for what He has given me.

  4. May we use are talents, as well as our time and treasure, to honor and glorify God! May God bless you for using your beautiful writing to inspire and encourage us, to His glory!

  5. Thoughtful post, my friend. Food for thought. Hug.

  6. Each one is interconnected so my ability is designed to link to someone else's. Thankful to God because I can use my abilities to know myself, to help people, and be a good citizen.

  7. Hangad ko (at pati na rin sa iba na tulad ko) na lagi ko sanang ma-realize ang mga ibinigay na abilities sa akin ni God para magamit ko ito sa kapakanan ko at ng iba. Minsan feeling worthless kasi ako hehehe.

    Thanks for this post mommy Joy :) A good reminder para sa akin.

  8. Great thoughts on God's abilities and ours. Every day we make choices to love others well and to use the gifts and talents given us. What a privilege! Thank you for a good reminder...


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.