
Sunday, December 21, 2014

Special night for the girls!

 Hi friends! Hope you are doing fine and having fun preparing for the joyous season. About me, I am having fun too despite of the hectic schedule because of the season. But best season of the year. This night I am going to meet the other girls in our group that is called " Taste of the earth" to a dinner date. Not all the  members could come, but still we decided to enjoy the night. We are a bunch of girls who have  different nationalities who finds joy and comfort being with each other.
Here I am ready to depart for the night. Excited huh!

This is the place where we having our dinner. Hovde gård. It is both a hotel and a restaurant. It was an old school and a barn for some years ago. 

Meet the young once  and the young girls
Me and Jessa, who both came from the Philippines

Joanna and Chris from USA

Monica from Poland. It was her first time to meet us. She is new here in Norway.

Randi, a Norwegian and Thea from the Philippines.

       Leny from the left  side is from the Philippines and Maria to the right is from Bulgaria.

Cheers for the coming year.

     Anyway, we  also came there for the food, so these are what we ordered. 

                             We were all hungry, but picture first for the girls.....

and me too!

After eating we had exchange gift and this is what I got. Sorry, I forgot to take pictures of the other's gifts because we were having so much fun.

Anyway, after eating and opening the gifts, we decided to talk about our achievements and good memories this year, challenges that we had been through and plans for next year. Everybody shares the good memories and one of the best is what we had done as a group last summer. Going to the beach, danzing Zumba and out in the restaurant for dinner. Some of them that are still new here in Norway, struggles with the language and getting a work. But still with hope that one day, everyhing will be alright.
 We already had a plan for the month of January which is we are going to the Bowling hall.  In February, it will be a love month party which I will be organizing. Or else many of us will going to travel to our home countries to visit our homelands next year. 
Anyway, before midnight, time to say goodbye and while we wait for our turn to pay our bills, we took the chance to take pictures of each other.

Me of course since I am the author! :)

and some of the girls that were available!

                  And the group wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Bye for now. Ending this post with  a prayer  for you and me:

Dear God, I pray that we desire to love you with all our hearts, souls and strengths. 
That we should not be friend of the world and forget your words.
I pray for your love to reign in our hearts.
We are in need of your wisdom to avoid the virus of this world.
Fill our mouths with your every battle we take.
I pray in Jesus name.

Much love to you all!


  1. Merry Christmas to all the beautiful girls in Norway : )

  2. Looks like a great time, Joy, and everyone is so nicely dressed. Merry Christmas! :)

  3. All you ladies look amazing, and from so many different countries... what a celebration just in that.. The food looked good and the I bet that hamburger was for one of the American girls... That venue was lovely Old World, just the kind of place I would have chosen... Praise God for friends and the love in sharing. Norway...brrrr it would be cold.. xxxxxxxx

  4. You all looks great Merry Christmas po!

  5. I enjoyed this post so much and looking at the gals and the food. What an interesting group of women! Love the prayer too. Amen!

  6. Looks like a fun get together for the holiday


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.