
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Something special!

Hi my blog friends! Hope you are enjoying the joyous season and looking forward of celebrating the birth of our Saviour.
But before that, I just want to share these pictures that are special in their own ways.

Pictures were taken from Prague

Like this beggar who's does not look like a poor one for me. He seems to be  praying. Begging for alm for the people who pass by.

A woman who offers body  massage

Who wants for a ride?

How about with this one?

Extra ordinary enterior in one of the restaurant there.

Welcome to my restaurant:)


Chocolate man?

These statutes are alive, but pretend to be not!

Something to sell?

The biggest wine bottle I had seen  

Soap bobble. A big one

How about this cow?

Waiting for a date?

This scared me!

Which one do you like best?

Ending this post with a prayer

Being a foreigner...
Yes, I am in this country...
and also once in God's kindom.
But through Jesus and HIs blood.
I bacame one of His children. 
Near to God than ever before.
Thank you Jesus for reconciling us to God...
we who believed.
Who accepted your offer of forgiveness
and salvation.
Thank you for the peace 
that you brought into our souls.
Dear God, help us to act as your children...
believing and claiming promises from Your words.
I pray that we won't give a place in our lives to the enemy.
Just be always in your territory.
Sorround us with your protection...
I pray in Jesus name.



  1. Todas imagens maravilhosa arrasou, esta oração a DEUS
    foi a mais perfeita amei. DEUS seja contigo por onde andares,
    tenha uma semana abençoada Curta e siga o meu canal

  2. Joy, I don't get to travel, but thanks to you and your lovely photos, I feel as though I have visited this thanks so much for sharing. I am always fascinated and happy to see how things are, and how places look, in other parts of the world. Your photos are fantastic!

  3. that's a funny dummy at the resturant

  4. Hi Joy! I like the men who dress up and look like statues. It's so amazing when they 'come to life'! Your time on vacation was filled with sights and sounds of different experiences. What fun!
    I really liked your prayer too. We are all traveling on the earth as brothers and sisters, yet we belong to our Father. What a beautiful concept :)


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.