
Saturday, December 27, 2014

How fast the time goes!

Yes, time goes so fast. Soon it will be 2015 and for many they are looking forward for the coming year with joy and expectation of good things to come. For others it will be a year with awaiting difficulties in some area of their lives. 
Anyway, it is good to remember the good days especially this Christmas.  

Mine had been so good so far.The snow came and it was a white Christmas.
 I worked at Christmas eve from  8.00- 13.00 in the nursery home. It was a delight to see the elderly in their best suits and we felt that the day was very special. We sung Christmas songs too. A young priest with earrings on his both ears came to hold a mass for the elderly. But he was welcomed with open arms. He did a great job by the way.

Her was I taking pictures to be sent to my husband onbord the ship....

and greetings  to all!

Me and my youngest daughter.

Anyway, we really enjoyed being together with my mother-in-law, sister-in-law and her family. We did talk about our nice experiences this year and were thankful for all the gifts.

The foods we ate! Typical Norwegian Christmas food.

 ThenI spent my Christmas day with my sister and brother-in-law and they served lots of foods too although we were only three to eat all the goodies:)

Yesterday was a day to just rest. I watched tv and crocheted a pair of potholder.

How about you? How did you spent your Christmas?
Ending this post with  thoughts to ponder and a prayer.

Being a foreigner!
Yes, I am in this country.. and also once in God's kingdom.
But through Jesus and His blood,
I became one of God's children.
Near to God than ever before.
But the good news is that you can be too if you surrender your life to God.

Thank you Jesus for reconciling us to God...we who believes...
who accepted your offer of forgiveness.
Thank you for being our Saviour, that we are reminded every Christmas.
Thank you for the peace that you brought in our souls.
Dear God, help us to act as Your children...
believing and claiming promises from your words.
I pray that we won't give  a place in our lives to the enemy.
Just be always in your territory. 
Sorround us with the shield of Your protection...everyday.
I pray in Jesus name. Amen.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!



  1. Beautiful post, Joy, and your photos are lovely. Time sure does go quickly, 2015 is coming fast. I hope it will be a great year for you.

  2. What a nice Christmas you had! I am missing my husband, too. Bill will be home for a couple of days at New Year's. Hugs.

  3. wow, beautiful :) Joy...
    nice pictures of a young lady :)
    awesome new year wishes in advance :)

  4. you'll look great in your Christmas dresses

  5. How good you remind us that we can all be God's children if we ask. That makes Him very happy. Your dress is very pretty, and the food looks delicious for both meals.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. nice red suit Ms. Joy ... and that Norwegian food .. those must be good ... mine , I celebrated Christmas with my lovely family ... Merry Christmas Joy

  8. In fairness mother, mukha ka bata sa second photo.

  9. Have a great year ahead! Christmas for me was a visit to the church and some offerings for my beloved mum.

  10. Your photos for your husband are terrific. You are so pretty in red!


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.