
Monday, April 28, 2014


Flowers for you all!

Father, make our hearts soft and sensitive TODAY!

Be obedient when we walk in the wilderness 
or in the flowering fields.

Let our hearts be always tune in to you,
so that we can follow your ways.

Do not let us turn away from your words 
and from your awesomeness

I pray that we encourage each other daily 
with the wisdom that comes from you Oh God.

As you inspired us with your goodness
and marvelous deeds,

let us also inspire others,

with your your gifts to  us.

Help us to be bold in proclaiming your gospel of love
to this dying world..

and to hold on

until the end..

until we reached our final destination

in heaven with you!

It is  Joy again Lord who loves you with all my heart.


  1. I love the beautiful flowers, and I love you.

  2. Wonderful post, Joy, and the, I can practically smell their lovely fragrance! Gorgeous!

  3. Hi Joy,

    Perfect for me to visit your page this morning and finding lovely flowers with the beautiful prayer.

    It makes me feel peaceful. I really need guidance in discerning His plan for me right now so I did recite the prayer you put here :)


  4. Dahon ng cactus plants. Parang flowers no:)

  5. Lovely flowers, lovely messages.

  6. Enjoyed seeing all your flowers!

  7. refreshing flowers :) pinaka gusto ko po yung cactus sa huli :)

  8. Oh, Joy! Thank you for sharing!

  9. Wow, extremely beautiful flowers ! They are a treat to eyes :)
    Thanks Joy for sharing these !

  10. Hi Joy, I wanted to respond to your question on how to upload videos on a blog post in Blogger. When you are in your dashboard and creating a new post, there are logos at the top.."link", then image, right? Right next to image you will see a black logo. Click on that and you have the option to upload a video. Since Google not only owns our blog, but also YouTube, you can easily upload a chosen video from YouTube. However, not all videos on YouTube can be posted on your blog, because sometimes the users on YouTube have this option, but you have to type in the title of the video from YouTube that you want to share on your blog and see if it is available on the list that will show. Hope this makes sense. Happy continued blogging. :)

  11. Beautiful flowers, Joy, and I love your added words/quotes... Made me smile today --and I've had a rough day!!!! Thank You.

  12. Thanks for the lovely photos and powerful words. Yes, and thank you for visiting my post "Breaking and Entry." Your words caused me to consider that these are the words of Jesus to those who have been abused as a child, and they thought they were at fault for allowing it to happen to them! Honestly says Jesus, "it was NOT your fault because You were just a child."

  13. nice prayer and the orchid reminds me of my mommy. it's her favorite flower :)

  14. The great thing is that God will not only love us today, but everyday! :) Lovely flowers Miss Joy! :)

  15. Oh my gosh! These are such beautiful flowers, thanks for sharing them with us, I enjoyed the prayer, so beautiful. Have a nice day :)


Thanks for dropping by and your comments are very well appreciated. It is like a cold glass water in a warm sunny day! Blessings.